adam bien's blog archive

2021-08-27 Serverless Kubernetes without YAML--an podcast
2021-08-26 Infrastructure as Java Code, AWS Cloud Development Kit, Java Server Faces vs. Web Components, Quarkus, Tests--or 89th
2021-08-22 Java, Serverless, Google App Engine, gVisor, Kubernetes--an podcast
2021-08-15 Code Smell, Chess, Java and Developer Relations--an podcast
2021-08-08 Modularization, Monoliths, Micro Services, Clouds, Functions and Kubernetes--an podcast
2021-08-02 Infrastructure as Java Code, JSF and Web Components, Java Modules, DB Tests, Deployment Layering--or 89th
2021-08-01 JavaServer Faces, Web Components, PrimeFaces and JavaScript Frameworks--an podcast
2021-07-25 CDI Lite, MicroProfile, Helidon, Micronaut and Serverless--an podcast
2021-07-24 Hosting Web Components on Amazon S3
2021-07-24 Infrastructure as Java Code (IaJC): Setting AWS System Manager Parameter
2021-07-18 A Serial Duke Choice Award Winner--an podcast
2021-07-14 Why are you not using [the language of the year] instead of Java?
2021-07-12 Accessing AWS Systems Manager / Parameter Store's Configuration from Quarkus
2021-07-11 Serverless, RESTful Searches, Jakarta EE Servers, AWS, Continuous Testing, Siemens Airhook and Continuous Testing with Quarkus--or 88th
2021-07-11 A Soldering, Agile, Geek Lawyer using Java and Quarkus--an podcast
2021-07-09 J4K 2021: The Future is Now: Overview of Next Generation Cloud Java Runtimes
2021-07-05 Clouds, Serverless, RESTful Searches, Jakarta EE Servers, Security Exceptions, Continuous Testing and Siemens Airhook--or 88th
2021-07-03 EDI, Java Batch, MicroProfile, JSON-API and OpenAPI--an podcast
2021-06-30 Helidon on AWS Graviton: First Impressions
2021-06-29 Jakarta JSON Processing with Japanese Joy
2021-06-28 (Mis)using Quarkus as the perfect Black Box Test Driver
2021-06-25 Java, Blockchain, Ethereum and NFTs--an podcast
2021-06-25 How Java WebSocket Implementation Happened--an podcast
2021-06-19 An Interesting Way to Build Docker Images (by
2021-06-15 Mid-Year 2021+ Observations and Predictions
2021-06-12 Cloud development, Logging Frameworks, Transactions, Micro Services, Testing, ETags, JPA, BCE, Batch on AWS, Exception Handling, FlywayDB, Lombok, CDI events--or 87th
2021-06-11 How Hudson and Jenkins happened--an podcast
2021-06-07 Lombok, Clouds, Transactions, Events, Batch, Exceptions, Clusters, BCE--or 87th
2021-06-07 Bulkheads, Async, Schedule, WebServers, Bidding Systems, Modern JavaScript--or 86th
2021-05-31 Scroll snapping with plain CSS properties: scroll-snap-type and scroll-snap-align
2021-05-29 Serverless with Java EE, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and a Kubernetes Operator--an podcast
2021-05-28 A minimalistic "Plain Web Standards" template (PWS) was released
2021-05-25 java.util.Objects: Useful Array Index Check Methods
2021-05-24 Receiving Server Sent Events (SSEs) with Plain Java SE
2021-05-23 MicroProfile Metrics, Micrometer and Quarkus--an podcast
2021-05-23 FN Java, Java on Java and GraalVM features--an podcast
2021-05-15 From Personal Java, over Java EE to Serverless and back to the Java Platform--an podcast
2021-05-14 Sending a JSON document via HTTP POST with plain Java
2021-05-13 Live From Japan: The Global Dev Study #1 - What, Why and How for Micro Frontends
2021-05-12 A simplest possible Micro Frontend
2021-05-09 How to receive Server Sent Events in browser with plain JavaScript
2021-05-08 mockend v0.0.3 introduces Server Sent Event (SSE) support
2021-05-05 Hiding and disclosing optional content with the "details" and "summary" HTML elements / tags
2021-05-04 Gradle vs. Maven, Transactions, Servlets, JS in old browsers, Bidding, HTTP Sessions, Retries, Timers, Web Servers--or 86th
2021-05-02 Testing Service Workers, TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigator.serviceWorker.register') and SSL with Quarkus
2021-05-01 How Grails and Micronaut happened--an podcast
2021-04-30 The (hopefully) shortest Java 16 Maven quickstarter
2021-04-29 The impact of the meta tag "viewport" on layout of mobile devices
2021-04-26 Java 16: Converting a JSON array to Java types with Pattern Matching
2021-04-25 A "What was your first computer?" conversation with BalusC / Bauke / OmniFaces
2021-04-22 (fake) reactive programming, project loom, chunked IO--an podcast
2021-04-21 Install, Start and Walk-Through a vanilla Web Component Application
2021-04-20 Mockend for Frontends: mockend is available
2021-04-18 From ZX Spectrum over Clouds To Winning the Java Duke's Choice Award-an podcast
2021-04-15 Java 16: a minimalistic Apache Maven / pom.xml
2021-04-12 Writing Boring Software: From WebLogic over GlassFish to Quarkus--an podcast
2021-04-11 Spring / Summer Java and Web Conferences, Workshops and Shows
2021-04-10 Unidirectional data flow example with Web Components, redux toolkit and lit-html
2021-04-09 NEW: "Lightning" video course: "From redux to redux toolkit"
2021-04-08 Web Components, BCE, lit-html, redux toolkit, vaadin router quickstarter is available
2021-04-07 Redux Toolkit, JPA via REST, Micrometer, MicroProfile, Obfuscation, JPackage, CDI, JWT--or 85th
2021-04-06 How EJBGen, TestNG and ...Android happened--an podcast
2021-04-05 Redux Toolkit, JPA Entities via REST, Micrometer vs. MicroProfile, Obfuscation and Decompilation, JAX-RS, HTML, Roles and JS--or 85th
2021-04-04 "Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined" and the solution
2021-03-30 How lit-html happened--an podcast
2021-03-29 Web Components / JavaScript: Sorting Rows by Date
2021-03-26 Web Components: Pre-filling Form Fields and Usability Improvements
2021-03-25 Playing with Java Records (JEP 395)
2021-03-25 Playing with jpackage (JEP 392)
2021-03-21 Shakespeare, Satellites, Java and podcast
2021-03-19 Separating application-specific Metrics with Micrometer and Quarkus
2021-03-17 Quarkus, MicroProfile Metrics and
2021-03-16 Converting External Dependencies into plain JavaScript modules with vanilla rollup.js
2021-03-15 I don't hate your DTOs!--an podcast
2021-03-12 Simplest Possible @Asynchronous Method Invocation with MicroProfile
2021-03-08 ThinWARs in Serverless Jakarta EE / MicroProfile (Payara) Cloud
2021-03-07 Helidon CLI, Builds, Docker and Kubernetes--an podcast
2021-03-03 Constructor vs. Field DI,, JBoss, Clouds, JSF, JAXB, Quarkus, VueJS, Micronaut, Web Builds--or 84th
2021-03-01 Constructor vs. Field DI, JCA, RARs, JBoss, Clouds, JSF, JAXB, Quarkus, VueJS, Micronaut--or 84th
2021-02-28 How Caffeine Cache Happened--an podcast
2021-02-25 Building Apps with Helidon & MicroProfile
2021-02-22 Micronaut, MicroProfile, Micronaut Data and Helidon
2021-02-21 From Competitive Gaming to Java EE API Mavenization--an podcast
2021-02-15 How KumuluzEE Happened--an podcast
2021-02-12 Quarkus, Health, Metrics,OpenAPI: Moved Permanently (301)
2021-02-12 2021: Familiar APIs on Kickass Runtimes--WeAreDevelopers Conference Session
2021-02-11 Micronaut with JAX-RS, Dependency Injection (JSR-330)--a touch of MicroProfile
2021-02-07 JavaFX Everywhere ...also in App Stores--an podcast
2021-02-05 JPA Audits, Transactions, Lazy Loading, Table Naming, MicroProfile Config and Metrics, HTTP Patch--or 83rd
2021-02-04 Serializing a Collection of Java Records into a JSON Array
2021-02-04 Star 7 feat. James Gosling: The Origins of Java ...and iPhone?
2021-02-01 JPA Audits, Transactions, Lazy Loading, Table Naming, MicroProfile, Clouds--or 83rd
2021-01-29 How Struts 2 Happened--an podcast
2021-01-26 Databases and Business podcast
2021-01-19 Quarkus, Kafka, java.lang.IllegalStateException: SRMSG00028 and the Solution
2021-01-18 An offline JavaDoc search PWA
2021-01-17 Converting a byte[] to Stream
2021-01-16 Plasma is the new "Hello,World" podcast
2021-01-15 Avoiding Port Collisions by Launching Multiple Quarkus Instances in DEV Mode
2021-01-13 Early 2021 Java, Web, Architecture Events, Conferences And Workshops
2021-01-12 Java 14 to Java 15 Update and MP REST Client CXF to RESTEasy Migration
2021-01-11 Java CLI Apps, Builds and podcast
2021-01-09 The Feel of Next Generation Java Cloud Native Runtimes
2021-01-07 Web Components in 2021, MicroProfile vs. Jakarta EE, Authentication, Monoliths vs. Microservices, Bulkheads--or 83rd
2021-01-06 Fixing ES 6+ Import Autocompletion in Visual Studio Code
2021-01-05 Java and The Constructive Approach to podcast
2021-01-04 Vanilla WebComponents, MicroProfile, Jakarta EE 8, ExecutorServices, GoF Patterns, NetBeans--or 82nd
2021-01-04 Java: An Endless List of Random Booleans
2020-12-30 JakartaONE: Jakarta EE & MicroProfile: The Good Parts
2020-12-29 JCON 2020: Web Components without Frameworks: Productivity, Speed & Independence
2020-12-28 Reactive Programming, Helidon, Kafka and Project podcast
2020-12-21 Kamenicky Encoding, Enterprise Java and Podcast
2020-12-13 How To Deal With Java podcast
2020-12-08 Web Components, Redux, OpenJ9, VSC and Java, DTOs, Web for Java Devs, JSON:API, JAX-RS Push, Backpressure, MicroProfile--the 81st
2020-12-07 WebComponents, Batch, OpenJ9, Learning, VSC, Projections, WebDev, DRY BCE, JARs, SSO, JWT, JSON-API, REST Push, Data Mappers, Backpressure--or 81st
2020-12-06 Java Persistence: From DB over JDBC to podcast
2020-12-01 Building Applications with ING's Lion Web Components
2020-11-30 J4K: MicroProfile Health, Metrics and Fault Tolerance Implementation Strategies
2020-11-29 MicroStream: When a Java Application Becomes a episode
2020-11-23 Java 11: Synchronous HTTP GET into a String
2020-11-22 jOOQ Loves episode
2020-11-20 JDD 2020: Building Kickass Frontends with Vanilla Web Components
2020-11-19 GitHub's Time Elements Web Components
2020-11-17 J4K: Live Virtual MicroProfile on Kubernetes / AWS / EKS Hacking #slideless
2020-11-15 Building Software for Data Center Providers with episode
2020-11-14 Java EE 6 to Jakarta EE 9 Migration
2020-11-13 What Should Happen in 2021 with Java Backends and Web Frontends--JCON 2020 Keynote
2020-11-11 MicroProfile 3.3: Links to Specs and JavaDoc
2020-11-09 Emitting JAX-RS Messages into MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Channels
2020-11-08 I don't want your podcast
2020-11-05 End Of 2020 Events, Sessions and Workshops
2020-11-04 Time Travelling, Containers, 10GB Microservices, DTOs and Projections, JWT, JSF, .net, Java's Future--the 80th
2020-11-03 Reasons for DTOs, Legacy Migrations, JSF and JWT, ThinWARs, Microservice Right-sizing, Oracle's Java--or 80th
2020-11-03 JDD 2020: Building Kickass Java Backends
2020-11-03 JDD JavaEE Session: Future Is Now, But Is Not Evenly Distributed Yet
2020-11-01 Helidon with Netbeans -- the developer experience
2020-10-31 Java SE, MicroProfile and GraalVM: the Helidon's podcast
2020-10-30 Quarkus with Netbeans -- the developer experience
2020-10-25 Java / Jakarta Messaging Service (JMS) on ...Microsoft podcast
2020-10-19 Java, Vaadin, Web and Vanilla Web podcast
2020-10-18 Joining Strings with Java 1.8+
2020-10-17 Extracting Fragments from JSON Documents with JSON-P
2020-10-13 Startup Hook / Initialization Logic with CDI
2020-10-11 Java, Agents, ODATA, Serverless and Cloud podcast
2020-10-10 Run Java Source as Shell Scripts
2020-10-08 Java: The First Monday of the Month
2020-10-06 WebSockets, JWT, Monoliths, Quarkus, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, WebComponents, JDKs--79th
2020-10-05 JAX-RS Error Serialization, Viper, Quarkus and Monoliths, Container Builds, WebSockets and JWT--or 79th
2020-10-04 CORBA, gRPC, OSGI, vert.x, mutiny, Reactive Programming and podcast
2020-10-03 JAX-RS API Documentation: Reasonable Practices
2020-10-01 Java Developers-Now Is Your (Web) Time: Drive-In Conf #slideless
2020-09-27 High-Performance Java Persistence and Cloud Native podcast
2020-09-24 Java is #2 / #3 in September 2020
2020-09-20 The Open-Closed Principle and Lots of podcast
2020-09-19 CyberJUG-HH: Why is everybody talking about Quarkus?
2020-09-18 Payara, the Unknown protocol: RFB and the Solution
2020-09-17 Serverless Java #slideless -- Guild42 Session Recordings
2020-09-16 openJDK 11 RAM and Startup Time: openJ9 vs. HotSpot
2020-09-15 Setup, Creation and System Test / Black Box Test of a Jakarta EE + MIcroProfile Application in 5 mins
2020-09-13 Blogs, Quarkus, Service Meshes, Kubernetes, MicroProfile, Neo4J, openJ9, podcast
2020-09-10 Architectural Frameworks, Java on Mac, JPA vs. JDBC, Encoding, Metrics and OpenTracing, Kafka TX, RolesAllowed Testing--78th
2020-09-09 Jakarta EE / MicroProfile Maven Archetype with System Tests Support
2020-09-08 Autumn 2020: Upcoming Online JUGs, Conferences and Workshops
2020-09-07 MicroProfile 4.0: Features and Ideas--an podcast episode
2020-09-07 Architectural Frameworks, Interactive Code Review, Kafka and JPA, JPA vs. JDBC, Charsets, RolesAllowed, Transactions, Metrics--or 78th
2020-09-05 Trains, Filmschool, Java on RaspberryPI, Quarkus and podcast
2020-09-03 SIGTERM,SIGINT,SIGKILL and Java's shutdownHook
2020-09-02 ScheduledExecutorService--A TimerTask Alternative
2020-09-01 Netbeans - Stairway To Maven
2020-08-31 From POJO to XML and Back with JAXB and Java 11+
2020-08-30 Unit Tests Considered Harmful--an podcast
2020-08-29 Visual Studio Code Installation and Setup for Java / Maven
2020-08-22 25 Years of Java: From JDK 1.0 to JDK Podcast
2020-08-17 Quarkus: Failure to find io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:jar
2020-08-14 End Of Thorntail, Generic DAOs and DTOs, DB Migrations, JPA, Transactions, Caches, Quarkus, Metrics, Raspberry PI--77th
2020-08-11 Beyond System.currentTimeMillis: Measuring Time with Duration and Instant
2020-08-08 Java, Distributed Computing, Hazelcast and Apache Kafka--an podcast episode
2020-08-03 Thorntails' EOL, Generic DAOs, Bulkheads, DTOs, Migrations, JPA, Transactions, Caches--or 77th
2020-08-02 The End of Thorntail / WildFly Swarm
2020-08-01 WebSphere, Mainframes, JBoss, GlassFish and Vaadin podcast episode
2020-07-28 Quarkus, CORS and Missing HTTP Headers
2020-07-27 "Walk the Path--How JBoss Happened-an podcast episode
2020-07-23 Java 11: Extract File Name from Path
2020-07-20 Converting Dependencies Into ES 6 Modules with Snowpack
2020-07-19 The Lightguard and the Quarkus podcast episode
2020-07-13 Building Applications with MicroProfile
2020-07-11 Long Coding Nights, ShrinkWrap, Arquillian and podcast episode
2020-07-10 Jakarta EE Developer Survey, EJB to Quarkus, Jakarta EE vs. MicroProfile, Jakarta MVC--76th
2020-07-08 Getting Good Ideas From .net--an podcast episode
2020-07-06 Jakarta EE Developer Survey, Testing BCE and Jakarta EE, EJB to Quarkus migrations, Singletons, Multi-Tenancy, Jakarta EE vs. MicroProfile--or 76th
2020-07-03 Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and the iPhone podcast episode
2020-06-22 Choose Things That Work And Solve The Problem--an episode
2020-06-16 Upcoming JUGs, Online Conferences, Virtual Workshops
2020-06-13 Programming Wallpaper over podcast episode
2020-06-08 Java 14: Text Blocks with String#formatted
2020-06-07 Vanilla Web Components at SpaceX
2020-06-06 Visual Studio Code: Java, XML and Quarkus--an podcast episode
2020-06-05 JUnit 5: The Single Dependency You Need
2020-06-04 Kafka, JAX-RS, MicroProfile, JSON-B, GSON, JWT, VSC, NetBeans, Java Fullstack--75th
2020-06-04 Clouds, Web Components, Monitoring, Quarkus, openAPI, Frontend Deployments--or 74th
2020-06-02 Bruno Hates YAML-Microsoft Loves Java--an podcast episode
2020-06-01 Kafka over JAX-RS, Spring to MP, JSON to POJO, Java Records, Code Coverage--or 75th
2020-05-27 Java 14+: Java Record JSON Serialization and Deserialization with JSON-B
2020-05-25 Java 14 Record and Map.Entry
2020-05-23 What is the Direction of Quarkus?--an podcast episode
2020-05-19 Java 11: Write a String To File
2020-05-18 Java 14: A Simple Record
2020-05-18 Jakarta EE / MicroProfile / Web: Sessions, JUGs and Workshops
2020-05-16 In-Process Polyglot with GraalVM--an podcast episode
2020-05-15 JSONB: How to Serialize Java Objects into Formatted JSON
2020-05-09 If You Get A Book, You Have To Start Reading--an podcast episode
2020-05-08 Adding and Binding a Checkbox in a Web Component
2020-05-06 A Command Line Application with Quarkus
2020-05-05 JavaScript Modules (ES 6 Modules) as Singleton Pattern
2020-05-04 Frontend Deployments, Rollup, Snowpack, BCE, MicroProfile, Code Coverage, OpenAPI--or 74th
2020-05-03 What is querySelector / querySelectorAll?
2020-05-02 The Remedy against Bike Shedding--an podcast episode
2020-05-01 SSO Federation, Voip, Duplication, PL/SQL, JMS, WebSockets, Sizing or The First In 2016
2020-05-01 Platform-Neutral Microservices Discussion--DevDay 2016 Keynote
2020-05-01 Strange Oracle Discussion, CDI vs. Singleton EJB, Remote, No Control or 27th Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 Guardians, Tenants, NIO 2, BPM, Docker and Service Discovery, or 26th
2020-05-01 REST, DDD, Layers, JSF, Microservices Sizing A UmeJUG Conversation
2020-05-01 The Inevitability of Microservices With Java EE--An Interview At
2020-05-01 Merry Christmas
2020-05-01 Java EE 7 + Thin WARs + Docker = Great Productivity
2020-05-01 What Is Faster--EJBs Or CDI? A JMH Benchmark
2020-05-01 Vulnerabilities, State of Java EE 8, WARs without EARs, Tenants, Async or Christmas Edition
2020-05-01 Java EE 8 News, Documentation, Production Issues, Multiple REST Endpoints, Maven Or Gradle: 23rd Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 The Java EE-stic Way of Coding from JFocus 2016
2020-05-01 Dying Java EE, WebJars, X-Component Transactions, Caches: 24th Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 Java EE 7 Application Servers vs. Plain "Hello World" -- Or What Is The Memory Overhead
2020-05-01 Demystifying Java EE--A JavaOne Session
2020-05-01 Stress Testing Java EE Applications -- A JavaOne Session
2020-05-01 Memory Footprint Of Java EE Servers On Docker -- And What Is The Difference To "Hello World"?
2020-05-01 Is It Your Special Jar?
2020-05-01 MVC, MVP, IoC, DI or A Deeper Dive Into afterburner.fx
2020-05-01 JavaScript Fatique and Java EE -- An Interview At JAX 2016
2020-05-01 Memory Footprint: Tomcat vs. TomEE WebProfile vs. TomEE Plus
2020-05-01 @Stateless As JAX-RS Resource?
2020-05-01 PHP, Java EE Structure, Concurrency, Long Running Tasks, Microservices, IDEs, Correlation, Angular 2 or 2 Years of
2020-05-01 A Code-Driven Microservices Session. From infoSharePL 2016
2020-05-01 Comes Java EE With The Smallest Docker Images?
2020-05-01 Validating JsonObjects In JAX-RS With Bean Validation And Java EE 7
2020-05-01 Oracle Commits To Java EE, WildFly Swarm, Payara Micro, Docker and Microservices, Smells Like CDI or the 28th Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 Oracle on Java EE 8 News, Monitoring, Sonar Setup, BCE Entities or 29th Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 Docklands: Java EE Docker Images In "Docker Central"
2020-05-01 Running A Stock Java EE 7 Thin WAR On Docker
2020-05-01 Java EE 8 Is Coming, Docker Hub, Configuration, AMQP, DTO Not Dead or 30th
2020-05-01 Java EE: Accessing Resources In Docker In Stage Environment
2020-05-01 JavaOne: Live Coding "No Ceremony" Java EE Microservices Session and Screencast
2020-05-01 Load Balancing Java EE Microservices
2020-05-01 Building An Angular 2 Application With Java EE 7 Backend
2020-05-01 Building A React Application With Java EE Backend
2020-05-01 Building A No-Dependencies, Plain JavaScript App With Java EE Backend
2020-05-01 Speed Comparison: yarns vs. npm
2020-05-01 20+ Topics in 45 mins -- 35th Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 News: Java EE 8/9, JavaOne, Gateways, Service Registries, API Design, Monitoring or 31st
2020-05-01 Implementing Health Checks With Docker
2020-05-01 IMWorld Session: Building "Mobile First" Applications With The Killer Microservice Platform
2020-05-01 "High Performance Java EE" from HighLoad Conf
2020-05-01 Load Balancing Microservices With Docker, nginx and TomEE
2020-05-01 JVM, RAM, Docker, Configuration and JNDI, gRPC, ORMs, Load Balancers or 32nd
2020-05-01 Payara Micro And Docker
2020-05-01 Microservices Simplify Exception Handling in JAX-RS
2020-05-01 Accidental Spring Evangelism, Rolling Updates, Log Management, Exception Factories, Docker, Queuing Choices or 33rd
2020-05-01 Spring Boot vs. Wordpress, SOAP Rocks, CDI CMT, Reactive vs. Blocking IO, or 34th is available
2020-05-01 Scalable, Productive, Decoupled, Resilient and Hacky New 2017!
2020-05-01 Launching Java EE Thin WARs In The Clouds
2020-05-01 Creating A CustomElement (WebComponent) From Scratch
2020-05-01 Asynchronous WAR To WAR Communication With WebSockets
2020-05-01 Spring and Java EE 7, MVVM, Crosscutting BCE, C#, Jenkins or 20+ Answers at 16th
2020-05-01 Pushing Full Profile Java EE Applications To Amazon EC2 Container Service
2020-05-01 JMS Redelivery, HA Singletons, Message Ordering, Test Coverage, JSON-P vs. JSON-B, UI Strategies or 36th Episode Is Available
2020-05-01 Voxxed Days At Cern: Java EE -- As Cool As The LHC
2020-05-01 CORS Auth,Mobile,Pretty Metrics,JSON Links,Thin WARs in Practice, Performance Or 37th
2020-05-01 Asynchronous Browser Push with HTTP/2, Servlets 4.0 and Java EE 8
2020-05-01 Serverless Microservices On Java EE Servers -- Oracle Code Keynote In London
2020-05-01 Introduction to firehose -- the prometheus gateway
2020-05-01 Movie Streaming With Java EE, Replacing Principals, Private JAX-RS, JSF on The Radar Or Answers For The Questions at 18th
2020-05-01 Arquillian With Hairs, JAX-RS and Security, Versioning or An Evening With JUG Gothenborg And Some Oil
2020-05-01 19th Answers For The Questions
2020-05-01 High Performance Java, Nashorn, Afterburner or Collaborative Robots With HEBI Robotics
2020-05-01 Thoughts On JavaOne, DTOs, JSF with JavaScript, REST SSO, BCE, Best Server To Start or 20th airhacks Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 Introducing loadr
2020-05-01 Application Deployer Released: airfield v0.0.1
2020-05-01 loadr v0.1.0 With "WebHooks" Available
2020-05-01 A Note On Java EE Conference Session Is Available
2020-05-01 Java EE, Microservices and HTML 5 -- Bucharest Voxxed Days Keynote
2020-05-01 Gartner and Java EE, BCE, Modular JSF, Monitoring, JAX-RS Refactoring or 39th
2020-05-01 Beautiful Java EE, JWT, EAR cases, Dynamic Serialization, @Asynchronous Testing or 39th is online
2020-05-01 Java EE -- The Competitive Advantage For Startups
2020-05-01 JavaScript Server-Sent Events Client For Java EE 8 Backend
2020-05-01 Security, Functional Java, React, TX, Docker Swarm, Dying MVC or 40th
2020-05-01 Unorthodox Enterprise Practices--at JavaOne 2015
2020-05-01 42nd is available -- The Answer to all questions included
2020-05-01 Building and Running a Fullstack Java EE ThinWAR in Oracle Container Cloud Service 7 Minutes
2020-05-01 Build To Last From Frontend To Backend: Applying Thin WARs Ideas to HTML 5
2020-05-01 Reactivity, Security, JSF Testing, AMQP, Encryption, Trends or 41st is available
2020-05-01 Transaction Monitoring with WildFly
2020-05-01 Configuring WildFly via JMX
2020-05-01 Favorite Servers and DBs, Kafka, Skinny WARs, Threading And Co. or Answers For The Questions at 17th
2020-05-01 Configuring WildFly/JBoss via CLI
2020-05-01 Injecting Classes in Java SE with Java EE 8 and CDI 2.0
2020-05-01 Java EE 8: Serializing POJOs with JSON-B
2020-05-01 JavaONE 2017: Java People Faces (JPF) 2017.10 -- LIghtening Interviews
2020-05-01 Introducing the Java Function Developer Kit /
2020-05-01 Java EE: Heavyweight or Lightweight? A Continuous Measurement Session from JavaONE
2020-05-01 Simplest Possible Java EE 8 Kickstarter
2020-05-01 JavaONE 2017: Bloat Removal With Microservices
2020-05-01 FDK, FN project, JSF, JSON or 43rd is available
2020-05-01 What is a polyfill?
2020-05-01 Deploying, Starting and Scaling a Java EE 7 Payara "Full" Server on OpenShift
2020-05-01 Responsive Web Design with Media Queries and FlexBox Layout
2020-05-01 HTML 5 form validation, processing and styling -- no frameworks, no migrations
2020-05-01 Using Chrome Developer Tools as an IDE / Editor
2020-05-01 Reuse, Tech Impact, Microservices, WebStandards -- a JavaONE 2017 interview
2020-05-01 Code review, reports, NoSQL, BCE, Async and State -- or 44th
2020-05-01 Combining JavaScript ES 6 Templates with HTML 5
2020-05-01 JSF 2.3 and HTTP/2
2020-05-01 Java EE 8 on Java 9 - From Install to Deployment with OpenLiberty Server
2020-05-01 Monitoring Java EE Appservers with Prometheus and Grafana
2020-05-01 From BeanShell and Kotlin over Deadlocked Conversations to AWS, Authentication and Java PWAs -- 45th is available
2020-05-01 Reactive JAX-RS 2.1 Client Combined with Asynchronous Resource and CompletableFuture
2020-05-01 Building a Web Component with Java EE 8 Backend
2020-05-01 Metrics, ServerSockets, SSE, WebSockets, Smelling DAOs, JPA Historization, SLSB scalability, Killing EJBs, Logging, ELK, Docker, Kubernetes, Openshift, Licensing, Obfuscation -- or 46th
2020-05-01 Web Components in Unsupported Browsers
2020-05-01 Using lit-html with WebComponetns (Custom Elements and Shadow DOM)
2020-05-01 Using Vaadin Date Picker as WebComponent
2020-05-01 What is a Mixin?
2020-05-01 DB authentication, JSF and microservices, Denormalization, Web Components, JAX-RS, Transactions, Sagas or: 47th
2020-05-01 When Numbers Are More Important Than Quality
2020-05-01 JSON-B, Groovy and Jenkins, CQRS, 40k with JSF, EJB TX or 48th is available
2020-05-01 Live-Coding No-Ceremony Microservices with Thin WARs
2020-05-01 From Jakarta EE Profiles over Exception Handling To Swing Migrations -- 50th
2020-05-01 From Versioning, Automation and CI to File Upload, MVC, Scopes and Centralized Logging -- 51st
2020-05-01 Serverless Java Functions with JSON-P Parameters
2020-05-01 Combining Serverless Functions with CDI 2.0 from Java EE 8
2020-05-01 Building PWA with Polymer 3, WebComponents and Java EE 8 Backend
2020-05-01 From Zero to Hello with WildFly Full 13.0.0.Final
2020-05-01 Enhydrator--Type Conversions and Filtering With Nashorn
2020-05-01 Writing POJOs To XML--Without Annotations
2020-05-01 Mapping CSV Files To POJOs With Enhydrator
2020-05-01 Java WebSockets Client
2020-05-01 From Zero to Hello with Open Liberty 18 Full Profile Java EE 8
2020-05-01 CDI and plugins, Bean Discovery, Migrations, Async Microservice Communication, Validations with JAX-RS, Serialization---or 52nd is available
2020-05-01 Lean WebApps with Skinny Miniservices #usetheplatfom #slideless Devoxx Poland 2018
2020-05-01 From Zero to Hello With Payara Server Full
2020-05-01 From RX over Cloud Languages to Rate Limiting -- 53rd
2020-05-01 From Zero to Hello With TomEE plume
2020-05-01 From Tokens over Storage Systems to REST API Design -- 54th
2020-05-01 Architecting Future-Proof Fullstack Applications -- from infoShare 2018
2020-05-01 From Modern UI over ThreadPools to SSE -- 55th
2020-05-01 WebStandards with WeightLess Backend in 25mins -- InfoShare 2018 live coding
2020-05-01 Interview with Javed at CodeONE about Jakarta EE, Microprofile, Web and Programming vs. Real World
2020-05-01 "20 Years of Java", 15th and Answers for the Questions
2020-05-01 "Playing With Nashorns" Session from itKonekt Conference
2020-05-01 Enhydrator In Action
2020-05-01 With POJOs To XML And Back With JAXB
2020-05-01 MVC, Models and Java EE 8
2020-05-01 Playing With Model View Controller MVC (JSR-371) from Java EE 8
2020-05-01 CodeONE 2018: Live-Coding WebApps--Without Frameworks
2020-05-01 How to Structure Jakarta EE Applications for Productivity Without Bloat--from CodeONE in San Francisco
2020-05-01 From Jakarta EE over MicroProfile to Serverless: Interactive Onstage Hacking--From CodeONE in San Francisco
2020-05-01 From CodeONE over TX Isolation to SPA and Server Side Rendering--56th
2020-05-01 No Dependencies, No "Bus Factor" Problems, No MIgrations -- A SPA / PWA with MicroService Backend in 45min Devoxx 2018
2020-05-01 Death of logging, hexagonal architectures, technology and architectures--or 57th is available
2020-05-01 Continuous and Lightning Fast Builds with Java EE 8 and MicroProfile
2020-05-01 2018 Predictions Review, Streaming JMS to DB, JPA Refresh, WebComponents and Java EE 8--58th
2020-05-01 Generating a Test Client for HTTP/JSON (JAX-RS / JSON-B) Services
2020-05-01 Free Video Series -- Cloud Native Java EE on OpenShift
2020-05-01 2min Tech Tip: "Small and Simple" A 4kB Java EE+MicroProfile microservice
2020-05-01 Modern Frontends -- As Simple as Java EE (Istanbul JUG Session)
2020-05-01 2019 predictions, Java EE authentication, JAX-RS and BeanValidation, perfect cases for Microservices, Docker vs. OpenShift--59th
2020-05-01 2min Tech Tip: Productivity with ThinWARs and Docker
2020-05-01 2mins: Building a Custom Element (Web Component) which talks to Java EE 8 Microservice
2020-05-01 Exception HTTP Status Mapping without Mappers
2020-05-01 Full-text Search in Generated JavaDoc
2020-05-01 DB Load Balancing, Java EE Authentication, Unikernels, Lazy Entity Serialization, Quarkus, MIcroProfile--60th
2020-05-01 Running Java without javac
2020-05-01 Supersonic, Subatomic Java (EE) -- SkimmedJARs with
2020-05-01 JAX-RS, CDI: native executable vs. JVM with
2020-05-01 ThinJARs with on Docker
2020-05-01 Unikernels,, SPA vs. Websites, JMS, shared deployments, fighting Sonar, Testing--61st
2020-05-01 Jakarta EE + MicroProfile Kickstarter
2020-05-01 MicroProfile and Jakarta EE -- The Lightweight Stuff Session
2020-05-01 Using ConfigMaps To Configure MicroProfile Applications
2020-05-01 Dead javax, Singleton performance, exactly once, DB authentication, refresh tokens, Kafka, distributed failures--62nd
2020-05-01 QuarkEE - the Java EE-stic
2020-05-01 JVM vs. Native: Scaling from 0 to 20 Nodes with
2020-05-01 Securing JAX-RS Endpoints with JWT
2020-05-01 Java's Job Listings, JWT, Kafka, Serverless, Streaming, JARs in WARs, Threads, Code Coverage--63rd
2020-05-01 Json Web Token Generator - 0.0.3 released
2020-05-01 Deploying and Configuring Payara Micro on OpenShift with s2i
2020-05-01 Identifying Deployment Errors at Build Time With Quarkus
2020-05-01 VSC Config, Singleton Concurrency, Supply Chain Management, BCE, MIcroSerivces, OSGi, Service Registries--64th
2020-05-01 Simplest Possible Liveness and Readiness Probes with MicroProfile and Quarkus
2020-05-01 MicroProfile OpenTracing, Jaegertracing and Quarkus 7mins
2020-05-01 Building Microservices on OpenShift with S2I and Jenkins Pipelines
2020-05-01 Code Shrinking Techniques with Jakarta EE and
2020-05-01 J4K, Quarkus, ThinWAR Startup, EJB, CDI, JavaMail--or 65th
2020-05-01 Payara, "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:" Problem and Solution
2020-05-01 Quarkus JAX-RS Service With CORS Support
2020-05-01 Unidirectional Dataflow with WebComponents, async fetch and CustomEvents
2020-05-01 Shipping Fallback Scripts with "nomodule"
2020-05-01 The Page Visibility API
2020-05-01 MicroProfile, Business Constraints, Outbox, lit-html, OData, ManagedExecutorService, Effective Java EE, Minishift, Quarkus-the 66th
2020-05-01 JakartaONE: Live Coding with Jakarta EE and MicroProfile #slideless
2020-05-01 Using Vaadin Router with WebComponents
2020-05-01 Listening to MediaQueries Events with MatchMedia
2020-05-01 SOUJava: Jakarta EE 8 + Microprofile 3.0: Live Coding - With Even Less Ceremony #slideless
2020-05-01 Building and Deploying a Quarkus ThinJAR on OpenShift
2020-05-01 Authentication and Authorization with MicroProfile JWT and Payara Server
2020-05-01 Threads, Transactions, EntityManager, Fluid Logic,Quarkus, AMQP and Jakarta EE -- the 67th
2020-05-01 Installing and Deploying Swagger UI
2020-05-01 Code Shrinking with Quarkus and Panache ORM
2020-05-01 JavaScript: cleaner "fetch" without "then" with "async" / "await"
2020-05-01 Accessing Shadow DOM inside a Web Component from Cypress
2020-05-01 Dynamic Imports with JavaScript
2020-05-01 Simplest Possible Internationalization with Vanilla JavaScript
2020-05-01 Jakarta EE Big Bang, Quarkus Secrets, OKD, Kubernetes, OpenShift, JavaScript i18n, MicroProfile and Monoliths--the 68th
2020-05-01 VSC Plugins, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Predictions Review, 2PC with MQ and DB, JWT, Share Code -- the 69th
2020-05-01 CSRF, XSS, JWT, Reactive Databases, TX and WebSockets, JSON-B, OpenShift -- the 70th
2020-05-01 Quarkus with MicroProfile, RAM, Jetty and -Xmx18m
2020-05-01 The Answers for the Questions: Airhacks 14th "May" Edition
2020-05-01 Nashorn Automation and Gulp
2020-05-01 Java FX Will Outlive Most Of The JavaScript / CSS Frameworks
2020-05-01 Java EE 7 on Java 8 Conference Session Video
2020-05-01 Real World Java EE Patterns and Real World Java EE Night Hacks Paperbacks Are Available On Amazon
2020-05-01 Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book Is Available on Amazon - and book stores
2020-05-01 Real World Java EE Patterns-Rethinking Best Practices Book Available On Amazon
2020-05-01 Java EE Patterns Book On Kindle--Don't Buy It Lend It (For Free)
2020-05-01 13th Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 First Greenbar With JavaScript
2020-05-01 Playing With Nashorn Scripting Features
2020-05-01 Injecting ThreadPool Statistics Into HTTP Headers With Java EE and Porcupine
2020-05-01 JAX-RS 2: Adding HTTP Headers With WriterInterceptor
2020-05-01 Dealing With Overload in Java EE 7 and Porcupine
2020-05-01 Java EE 7 Thread Pool Configuration with Porcupine
2020-05-01 12th Questions and Answers
2020-05-01 Injecting Thread Pools with Java EE 7 and Porcupine
2020-05-01 10th Q & A Uploaded--Killer Servers, Complex JSON, EARs and Modularization
2020-05-01 Java EE 7: Accessing WebSockets From Plain Java
2020-05-01 Sassy NetBeans
2020-05-01 Java EE and HTML 5
2020-05-01 9th Q & A Uploaded --OData, Logging, Fast Deployments, EntityManager Injection and The Giblets Of My Server
2020-05-01 Real World Java EE 6 Patterns--Rethinking Best Practices Reloaded
2020-05-01 Java EE--Or Who Cares About WebContainers? [GeeCON Session / Video]
2020-05-01 Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book Is Back On
2020-05-01 Memory Consumption: WildFly Full ThinWAR vs. Quarkus SkimmedJAR
2020-05-01 Using Jakarta Server Pages (JSP)s For Web Component Generation / Configuration
2020-05-01 Jakarta EE + MicroProfile: Tips, Tricks and Workarounds--W-JAX Conference
2020-05-01 "Are Java EE / Jakarta EE Servers Dead?"--Tech Talk and Q&A
2020-05-01 Using MicroProfile Config to Render Web Components on the Server with JSP
2020-05-01 Blackbox System Tests with Quarkus and MicroProfile REST Client
2020-05-01 WebApps Without Frameworks--A W-JAX 2019 Session
2020-05-01 Memory (RAM) Consumption of: Tomcat, Jetty and Quarkus
2020-05-01 In-Browser Unit Testing with MochaJS, ChaiJS, BrowserSync and ES Modules
2020-05-01 Quarkus vs. WildFly--Requests per Second
2020-05-01 Non-200 HTTP JAX-RS responses, Quarkus, Helidon, Pippo, Spincast, Microframeworks, Hibernate--72nd
2020-05-01 Helidon's MicroProfile Memory Footprint
2020-05-01 From Zero To Hello--Helidon MP (MicroProfile)
2020-05-01 Web Components with Boundary Control Entity, lit-html and redux--an application walk through
2020-05-01 Web Components, JSF, Cognito, vegeta, JSON-B, Quarkus, GraalVM--73rd
2020-05-01 OpenLiberty's MicroProfile Memory Footprint
2020-05-01 What is a Web Component / Custom Element?
2020-05-01 Behind the Scenes (=Magic) of Dependency Injection in Quarkus
2020-04-27 Java, Docker, CentOS and Encoding
2020-04-25 Jakarta EE and MicroProfile--Siblings, Cousins or Twins (an podcast)
2020-04-21 Firefox: CSS Flex Box Inspector
2020-04-18 Microscopic Services and The Jakarta EE 9 Earth Quake--an podcast
2020-04-17 Firefox: CSS Grid Layout Inspector
2020-04-15 How To Read A File from JUnit Test
2020-04-15 Java: How to Convert a System Property In A Boolean
2020-04-12 From JMS Unit Tests to OpenLiberty--an Podcast
2020-04-11 Java 11: Read a File into a String
2020-04-10 Responsive Design with A Media Query
2020-04-07 Just Write Code and Keep It Forever--an Podcast
2020-04-06 AWS Cognito, JVM vs. native, Quarkus vs. WildFly, DataSources, DI, MP metrics, GraalVM--or 73rd
2020-04-06 Building Web Apps with Web Components, redux and lit-html--Online Workshop
2020-04-05 Effective Web Applications without Frameworks -- Online Workshop
2020-03-29 Strip The Cow To The Skeleton--an Podcast
2020-03-22 500 kB ThinWARs on Podcast
2020-03-15 Back to Shared podcast
2020-03-08 "Meta-Circularity is Near", GraalVM, podcast
2020-03-08 The Competitive podcast
2020-03-04 HTML Body for Non-200 JAX-RS Responses on Payara Server
2020-03-02 Quarkus, Helidon, Non-200 with Body JAX-RS, Microframeworks, News--or 72nd
2020-02-29 February / March 2020 Java and Web Events
2020-02-24 JAX-RS Response#seeOther, vs. 301, 302, 307 and 308 HTTP Redirections
2020-02-22 Quarkus Developer podcast
2020-02-16 The Lord of the podcast
2020-02-14 Migration from @Stateless (BCE) to Quarkus
2020-02-10 String#split with a "dot"
2020-02-10 Paths "Subtraction" with Path#relativize
2020-02-08 Natural-Born podcast
2020-02-07 2020 Predictions, Quarkus, Structuring Services, Transactions, DTOs--71st
2020-02-03 2020 predictions, JPA, JAX-RS, Blobs, JTA and DBs, DTO, JSON-P, JSON-B, Licensing -- the 71st
2020-02-02 The "MDN First" Approach with Web Components at a podcast
2020-01-31 2020 Predictions
2020-01-31 MicroProfile Runtimes Overview
2020-01-28 Creating UberJARs / FatJARs with Quarkus
2020-01-27 What are: ThinWARs, HollowJARs, SkimmedJARs, FatJARs, UeberJARs, FatWARs and Executable Images?
2020-01-27 Jar Inspection Utility (xplr) v0.0.2 was released
2020-01-26 KISS and No Dependencies in podcast
2020-01-19 Quarkus 1.0 and SpringBoot -- Podcast
2020-01-19 JSF 2, Web Components and Micro Frontends -- Podcast
2020-01-19 Java Cloud Native Starter with MicroProfile -- Podcast
2020-01-19 TestContainers, Unit, Integration, System, Load, Stress Testing -- podcast
2020-01-19 You Are Not Google, Netflix, Facebook -- podcast
2020-01-19 Maintainability or Deletion over Upgrade -- podcast
2020-01-19 JavaFX Strikes Back -- podcast
2020-01-19 Productivity with Plain Vanilla Web podcast
2020-01-17 Injecting List of Strings with MicroProfile Config
2020-01-09 Quarkus: Configuring Context and Resource Paths
2020-01-07 JAX-RS: A JSON-B Configuration per @ApplicationPath
2020-01-06 CSRF, XSS, JWT, R2DBC, TX with WebSockets, JPMS vs Microservices, JSONB, WAD, HTTP warnings -- or 70th
2020-01-05 Jakarta EE 8 Quickstarter / Archetype is Available From Maven Central
2020-01-03 How To Disable Caching for all HTTP Requests in Quarkus
2020-01-02 0.0.4 released
2019-12-31 If Gmail Is Not Working After macOS (Mojave / Catalina) Upgrade
2019-12-09 VSC as IDE, Predictions Review, 2PC with MQ and DB, JWT, Package Naming and Structure--or 69th
2019-12-07 Making the Intentions Explicit with "JAX-RPC" over JAX-RS
2019-12-03 The "Class#getName" in JavaScript
2019-11-24 NodeJS, MicroProfile and Java Cloud Native Podcast
2019-11-17 Interfaces, Modules and Podcast
2019-11-10 Forever Young and Building Mobile Apps with Podcast
2019-11-06 MicroProfile: Examples, Tutorials, Guides, APIs, Projects and Resources
2019-11-06 MicroProfile REST Client for System Testing
2019-11-03 Java EE, Jakarta EE, MIcroProfile and the Big Bang Podcast
2019-11-01 Jakarta EE Big Bang, Quarkus, Secrets, Internationalisation, Consistency, Threads, mvn clean, Kubernetes, OKD, Docker--or 68th
2019-10-28 Blockchain, Heavy Metal, Docker and Podcast
2019-10-27 Watch and Deploy (WAD) 0.1.1 "the substitutor" is available
2019-10-20 Helidon, FatJARs, ThinWARs, HollowJARs, MicroProfile, Jakarta EE and Podcast
2019-10-18 The Simplest Possible Web Component (CustomElement)
2019-10-17 Singleton Pattern in ES6 and ES7
2019-10-17 Custom Map Updates without Null Checks: Map#merge
2019-10-16 Change Data Capture, Debezium, Streaming and Podcast
2019-10-16 Jakarta EE without Docker, Fulltext Search, Connection Pools, Passwords, Fluid Logic, Thread-Safety and EntityManager--or 67th
2019-10-16 Jason's Binding and Fast, Greek Podcast
2019-10-16 Java EE Is Dead -- Completely Dead
2019-10-16 JavaONE vs. CodeONE Podcast
2019-10-16 Jakarta EE 8: Links and Resources
2019-10-16 JUG MUC / OpenValue, JUG Thueringen, EclipseCon, W-JAX, SOU Java, Java Forum Nord, JCON, Apeldoorn IT and 2019 events
2019-10-16 From PHP to Podcast
2019-10-16 Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 8 Migration
2019-10-16 The First Line of Podcast
2019-09-02 MicroProfile, Business Constraints, Outbox, lit-html, OData, ManagedExecutorService, Effective Java EE--or 66th
2019-08-25 Authentication and Authorisation as Joy - Podcast
2019-08-18 A Lean "Core Insurance As A Service" (Java EE / Jakarta EE / MicroProfile) podcast
2019-08-11 Productive Java EE, MicroProfile, AI and Deep podcast
2019-08-09 JAX-RS Client / Jersey: HTTP Tracing
2019-08-06 Quarkus is the Opposite of podcast
2019-08-05 J4K, Quarkus, ThinWAR Startup, EJB and Specializes, JavaMail, DTOs, Java EE Security--or 65th
2019-07-31 Maven archetype:generate Tuning
2019-07-28 Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and Innovation without Politics podcast
2019-07-25 Combining JsonObjects With JsonMerge and JSON-P
2019-07-21 OpenSource and Math Never podcast
2019-07-16 UI5 WebComponent DatePicker -- Receiving Events
2019-07-15 Installing and Integrating a UI5 DatePicker WebComponent
2019-07-14 "I Don't Your Dependency Injection"--an podcast
2019-07-12 Simplest Possible WebComponent with JAX-RS Backend
2019-07-12 Simplest Possible Quarkus Scheduler / Timer
2019-07-10 JAX-RS: Parameter to Object Mapping
2019-07-08 #slideless #nomigrations Workshops, Events, JUGs, Conferences
2019-07-07 Plugging Things Together With Reactive podcast
2019-07-05 Listening to CustomEvents with lit-html
2019-07-02 New and Familiar at the Same podcast
2019-07-01 VSC Config, Concurrency, Supply Chain Management Frameworks, BCE, Microservices, OSGi, Service Gateways, EJBs and CompletableFuture--or 64th
2019-06-30 Simplest Possible Quarkus Extension
2019-06-23 Payara Full vs./or Payara Podcast
2019-06-16 WebApplications without Frameworks Podcast
2019-06-11 Transactions, J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and Podcast
2019-06-10 Adding External NPM JavaScript Dependencies as ES 6 Modules
2019-06-05 Reactive, Asynchronous JAX-RS Client with Thread Pool aka Bulkheads
2019-06-03 JWT, Authorization, Kafka vs. JMS, Streaming, Containers, Serverless, Code Coverage, CI/CD--or 63rd
2019-06-02 Use the Most Productive Stack You Can Podcast
2019-05-31 Reading and Writing Configuration Files with JSON-B
2019-05-31 Reading and Writing Configuration Files with JSON-P
2019-05-28 Asynchronous JAX-RS: Timeout Configuration and Handling
2019-05-26 Jakarta EE / MicroProfile Testing and Quality over Podcast
2019-05-26 From Webscale Java over CDI to Podcast
2019-05-19 80% Code Coverage is Not Podcast
2019-05-13 javax and future of Jakarta EE, TX, quarkus, startup, Java FX, MicroProfile, openJDK support, Green Field Architectures--or 62nd
2019-05-12 Java Native Podcast
2019-05-07 Java EE, Jakarta EE and the Dead "javax"
2019-04-22 Kafka vs. JMS/ podcast
2019-04-19 Sending an InputStream to JAX-RS Resource
2019-04-18 Asynchronous Returns with CompletableFuture with JAX-RS 2.1 / Java EE 8
2019-04-14 Quarkus and podcast
2019-04-08 Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, OpenLiberty: Better Than Ice podcast
2019-04-02 Using MicroProfile Rest Client For System Testing
2019-04-01 Unikernels,, SPA vs. Document Oriented Model, Service to Service Communication with JMS--61st
2019-03-31 Serverless without Functions, OpenShift with a bit podcast
2019-03-27 Monitoring HTTP Requests with MicroProfile Metrics
2019-03-24 Optimizing for Humans, Not podcast
2019-03-20 MicroProfile: @Counted vs. @Gauge
2019-03-17 Jakarta EE / MicroProfile in the Clouds: Runtimes not podcast
2019-03-13 DB LoadBalancing, Java EE Authentication, Unikernels, Hexagons, Lazy Serialization, High Performance JDBC--60th
2019-03-10 More Conventions with podcast
2019-03-06 MicroProfile: @Metered vs. @Timed
2019-03-05 Early 2019: Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Sessions, Workshops and JUGs
2019-03-03 James Likes podcast
2019-02-20 JSON-P: Removing a slot from a JsonObject with JsonPatch
2019-02-18 Productive Clouds 2.0 with Serverless Jakarta podcast
2019-02-17 J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile - and The Release Cadence
2019-02-13 "Jakarta EE" Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 Docker Image is Available from Docklands and from Dockerhub
2019-02-11 KISS your WARs--Skipping the Superfluous
2019-02-06 Adding additional HTTP headers with JAX-RS and Bean Validation
2019-02-04 2019 predictions, Java EE authentication, JAX-RS and BeanValidation, Perfect cases for Microservices, Docker vs. OpenShift, Java EE hosting, JPA and MicroServices--or topics for 59th
2019-02-03 Maven Commitment -- a Podcast Episode with Robert Scholte
2019-02-01 2019 Predictions
2019-01-29 Python, C and Java have the most commits in OpenSource projects
2019-01-28 Watch and Deploy (WAD) 0.0.7 is available
2019-01-27 Current time in HH:MM:SS with Java 8+ and DateTimeFormatterBuilder
2019-01-21 A possible cause of "...has been blocked by CORS policy"
2019-01-20 Java EE 8 Authentication and Authorization -- a Podcast Episode with Arjan Tijms
2019-01-18 Java is #1 in January 2019
2019-01-16 Illegal base64 character 5f, Illegal base64 character 2d and java.util.Base64
2019-01-10 List<String> to JsonArray Conversion with JSON-P and Java EE 8
2019-01-09 Creating Domain-Specific Metrics On-The-Fly with MicroProfile
2019-01-08 Asynchronous BulkHeads with Fallback and MicroProfile
2019-01-07 2018 Predictions Review, Streaming JMS to DB, Message Parallelism, JPA Refresh, WebComponents and Java EE 8, Async Script Loading -- or 58th
2019-01-06 From GlassFish to Google Cloud -- a Podcast Episode with Alexis MP
2019-01-05 Executable Calendar and Dates For 2019 Shows
2019-01-04 Cloud-Ready Configuration for JPA-Integration Tests
2019-01-03 JAX-RS resource: one or two classes as boundary?
2019-01-02 CDI-Injection is JAX-RS 2.1 (Java EE 8) Subresources
2018-12-28 Setting a HTML Element to Fullscreen
2018-12-27 From TomEE User to Committer--a Podcast Episode with Roberto Cortez
2018-12-24 CDI Input Validation with JAX-RS and Java EE 8
2018-12-20 Mixing structured and un-structured data with JSON-B / JSON-P, JAX-RS and Java EE 8
2018-12-14 Custom input validation with JAX-RS and JSON-B (Java EE 8)
2018-12-12 Watch and Deploy (WAD) Utility Released
2018-12-11 WebComponents With or Without Java -- A Conversation with Marcus Hellberg
2018-12-10 Fetching the name of the current working directory with Java 7+
2018-12-09 SystemTests with Apache CXF, JAX-RS, JSON-P on Java 11
2018-12-07 Death of logging, technology and architectures, CMS and blogs, OpenJDK in production, data consistency and 2PC -- or 57th
2018-11-25 A Conversation with the JavaMan about Sun, Java and OpenSource
2018-11-21 Creating DTOs Without Mapping with JPA and Java EE
2018-11-13 A Conversation with Scott McNealy about SUN, Innovation, OpenSource, JavaSoft, Java and Oracle
2018-11-12 Jakarta EE + MIcroProfile Fusion = MicroDeployments
2018-11-11 WebStandards "no migrations" Online Learning Path
2018-11-06 MicroProfile and Jakarta EE / Java EE 8 Server Support Matrix
2018-11-05 CodeONE vs. JavaONE, Secrets, Isolation and JPA, i18n and REST, Licensing, WebStandards, SPA and SSR, Drools, GraphQL, MicroProfile, lit-html -- or Topics for the 56th
2018-11-02 IoT, Clouds, Java EE and podcast
2018-10-29 Java EE, MicroProfile, WebStandards--Autumn Events
2018-10-18 Java EE 8, JSON-B and java.util.Optional Serialization and Deserialization
2018-10-15 From Java Ray Tracers to AR, MR, VR and podcast
2018-10-13 Java EE 8: converting java.util.Properties or Map into JsonObject
2018-10-10 Clearer JAX-RS 2.1 Client Error Messages
2018-10-08 A Note on Data Transfer Objects (DTO)s
2018-10-04 Java, Caching and How the Information podcast
2018-10-03 Browser Storage Size Estimation
2018-10-01 SSE, Interactive Code Review, Fluid Calculations, Modern UI with Java, ThreadPools and Paths, JDBC Health, EclipseLink vs. Hibernate -- or Topics for the 55th
2018-09-28 Simplest Possible MicroProfile 1.3 Maven Archetype / Kickstarter
2018-09-28 Simplest Possible MicroProfile Maven Kickstarter
2018-09-27 What is @Dependent Scope?
2018-09-26 Testing ServiceWorkers via HTTPs
2018-09-25 Microsoft, OpenSource, podcast
2018-09-03 JWT and Scalability, Clustered Timers, DB Schema Validation, JSON-B Configuration, Bulk Data and JAX-RS, Docker and Maven, Closing Streams -- or Questions for 54th
2018-08-27 Boring Enterprise podcast
2018-08-13 How To Find Default Configuration (e.g. -Xmx, -Xms) Settings (ergonomics) for JVM?
2018-08-08 Transpiling Modern JavaScript For Older Browsers Without Configuration
2018-08-07 From Java EE over EE4j to Jakarta podcast
2018-08-06 Rx Use Cases, Languages for Blockchain and Cloud, Faster Deployments, PDF Generation, Rate Limiting / Throttling, Schedulers, Injection, Frontend Packaging -- or Questions for 53rd
2018-08-06 What is an Evergreen Browser?
2018-07-19 Managing Taxi Companies with Thin WARs and Java EE
2018-07-12 Generating Swagger / OpenAPI Without External Dependencies
2018-07-11 From JSF and PrimeFaces to WebComponents--A Conversation With Cagatay Civici
2018-07-05 Using enums as CDI Events
2018-07-04 When "There is a process already using the admin port 4848", but it is not true
2018-07-02 CDI and plugins, Discovery Modes, CompletableFuture and failures, ECB, ReadOnly JPA, Migrations -- or topics for 52nd
2018-06-28 Loading ES 6 String Template Literals Dynamically
2018-06-26 MicroProfile: Past, Present and Future - Podcast
2018-06-25 MicroProfile + Java EE 8 = Thinner WARs
2018-06-15 Private Fields Serialization with JSON-B and JAX-RS 2.1 / Java EE 8
2018-06-12 Consuming MicroProfile Metrics with Prometheus
2018-06-06 Exposing Business Metrics with MicroProfile 1.3
2018-06-05 Building Java EE 8 Applications For Fun -- Interview With LottoRitter
2018-06-04 Versioning, Tagging, Automation, CI, Logging, MVC 1.0, or 51st
2018-05-26 WildFly and JBoss -- A Conversation with Jason Greene, Chief Architect, JBoss EAP
2018-05-16 Simplistic Router With WebStandards
2018-05-07 Jakarta EE Profiles and News, Exception Handling, UUID progation, equals, hashcode and JPA, remote CDI, websockets testing, or 50th
2018-04-27 Java EE 8 / JSON-P 1.1: Convenient JsonArray to POJO conversion
2018-04-26 From Xelphi, over Nashorn To JVM Compiler Innovation with GraalVM
2018-04-25 Binding WildFly To IP-Address
2018-04-11 Local-Variable Type Inference Java 10 Example
2018-04-10 Simplest Possible Microprofile Liveness Check
2018-04-09 Swing without WebStart, No Sessions, Performance Testing and JWT, JPA Query Result Caching, SAML, JavaScript Data Binding, Asynchronous Java EE or 49th
2018-04-02 Blackdown Java, Java in science, Telematics, OSGi,
2018-03-07 10.000 Thin WAR deployment cycles or IoT with pure Java EE at IBM
2018-03-05 Jakarta EE News, JSON-B, Groovy Jenkins, CQRS, 40k with (deprecated )JSF, EJB TX, JSON-B, Migrations or 48th
2018-02-26 Displaying Tables with Vaadin Grid Web Component and Java EE 8 Backend
2018-02-20 On-Demand Script Loading with JavaScript
2018-02-19 Java EE 8: Manipulating JsonObjects with JsonPatch
2018-02-17 Java EE, Thin WARs, Microservices and Continuous Delivery at Otto
2018-02-16 Java EE 8 and JSON-P Simplify System Testing with JSON Patch
2018-02-05 Database Authentication, Microservices with JSF, Denormalization, DB Audits, JAX-RS Audit, Devs and Ops -- or 47th
2018-01-31 FN, Serverless and Exploded Servers --
2018-01-29 2018 Predictions
2018-01-15 Web Components On-Demand Workshops
2018-01-15 WebStandards Igniter On-Demand Workshop
2018-01-11 Pipeline-specific timeouts with CompletableFuture#orTimeout and JAX-RS 2.1
2018-01-10 Java 9's StackWalker
2018-01-08 Homework Review, JPA history, Business Metrics, Sanity, WebSockets, SSE, XMPP, Logging, Licensing or Questions for the 46th
2017-12-17 4th Episode: "Micro Java EE"
2017-12-07 Serializing and Deserializing a POJO with LocalDate into JSON using JSON-B and Java EE 8
2017-12-06 EM switching, BeanShell, Kotlin, JPA and JDBC, AWS, Authentication, XA, PWAs, SPAs and Java, JSON-B or the last in 2017
2017-12-03 Using Java 9 HTTP Client with JUnit and Maven
2017-12-02 Time travelling with Bean Validation 2.0 and Java EE 8
2017-12-01 Java 9 orTimeout and JAX-RS AsyncResponse
2017-11-30 From JDK 1.0 over CORBA, RPC, REST over Java EE to Cloudnative and Back
2017-11-29 Receiving Server Sent Events (SSE) with JAX-RS 2.1 and Java EE 8
2017-11-27 End Of Year 2017 Developer Events
2017-11-26 Monitoring Payara / Glassfish with Prometheus
2017-11-25 Implementing Connect- and Read Timeouts with JAX-RS 2.1 Client and Java EE 8
2017-11-19 JAX-RS Client, and Solution
2017-11-16 Convenient http filtering with Servlet 4.0 and Java EE 8
2017-11-15 Fetching content reactively with JAX-RS 2.1 client and Java EE 8
2017-11-08 Unskippable Maven Tests
2017-11-06 HTML 5 Progressbars, Code Reviews, JAXB deprecation, Virtual DOM speed, Java SE Release and EE4j, EJB Timers in Cluster or 44th
2017-11-05 A Conversation with Sebastian Daschner about CQRS, Java EE, EE4J, JavaONE
2017-11-01 System.Logger--the minimalistic logging interface in Java 9
2017-10-31 Java EE 8: Sending asynchronous CDI 2.0 events with ManagedExecutorService
2017-10-29 Updating JsonObjects with JSON-P 1.1 and Java EE 8
2017-10-18 "JavaONE" - first podcast episode is available at:
2017-10-11 Java EE 8: Convenient JsonArray Collector
2017-10-09 JavaONE 2017 News, SSO, Serverside vs. Client, Testing JAX-RS, Logging, Versioning, Overengineering or 43rd
2017-10-03 Persistent Collections, FDK, Serverless, EE4j, Kubernetes, Opensource -- or JavaONE 2017 Keynote
2017-10-02 Java 9: Nashorn Scripting / Automation Improvement
2017-10-01 Java 9: Executing fallbacks with Optional::or
2017-09-28 Java EE 8 Essentials Archetype (maven quickstart) released
2017-09-25 Docklands: GlassFish v5 (Java EE 8) Docker Image
2017-09-24 Scheduler and Business Logic Separation
2017-09-21 Java 8: Catching Integer Overflows
2017-09-14 42- the answer, Fork Join, Pixel Perfect JSF, Building React and Angular, Scanning JAX-RS, Async CDI Events, Monolith or Topics For 42nd
2017-09-11 Early Autumn Java (EE) / Web Events
2017-09-10 A Java EE 7+ Alternative To EJB Timers
2017-09-07 Microservices' Impact On App Design, Lightweight Java EE and Java EE-stic HTML 5 ...or my JavaOne 2017 sessions
2017-08-31 How to establish JMX connection to JVM running in docker
2017-08-07 React over Angular, Reactive Programming, Blocking @Asynchronous, To Framework Or Not, SSR with SPAs, Java 9 Logging or 41st
2017-07-09 SimpleDateFormat, Java and Taligent Object-Oriented Operating System
2017-07-07 DerbyDB start fails on Docker -- Problem and Solution
2017-07-04 Payara Server "Full", Autodeployment and Docker
2017-07-03 JASPIC, Lambdas, React, TX, JSF, MVC, JSON, Microservices, Docker Swarm, Threads or Questions for the 40th
2017-06-06 Java EE Application Servers Are Not Suitable To Host Microservices
2017-06-06 Java EE (and Docker) Quickstart
2017-06-05 2017 Free Summer Java Events, Workshops and Sessions
2017-06-05 EAR Use Cases, JSF Modularization Again, JWT, CRUD Generators, Subset Entity Serialization, @Asynchronous Testing, Fat WARs, or 39th
2017-05-23 Setting Timeout For JAX-RS / TomEE CXF Client
2017-05-11 Java EE (and Microservice) Quickstart
2017-05-08 Gartner, BCE, Modular JSF, Firehose, Translations, Favorite Application Server, GET Refactoring or Questions for 38th
2017-04-24 GlassFish v5 (Java EE 8 RI)--Docker Image Is Available
2017-04-21 Accessing The Current Build User In Jenkinsfile Pipeline
2017-04-16 (Free) Oracle Code Conference and Enterprise A Slideless Keynote
2017-04-05 Perceptor: The "Performance Metrics Gathering Interceptor For Java EE" Released
2017-04-03 Link Serialization With JAX-RS 2+
2017-04-02 Masterdata Diffs, CORS, Multi-Tenant EM, Service Discovery, HATEOAS and JAX-RS, Career Boost, ContextResolver, LB Microservices, DB Sharing or Topics For The 37th
2017-03-27 firehose v0.0.1 released --the prometheus gateway for Java EE (micro) service monitoring
2017-03-23 polymer 2.0 with browsersync: a minimal installation / hot reloading
2017-03-18 Yes/NO User Input in Jenkinsfile
2017-03-07 Java 8: An Endless Stream Of Random Numbers
2017-03-05 HA Singletons, Clouds vs. On-Prem, Messaging and Message Ordering, UI-Stack Options, Swagger, Code Coverage or 36th
2017-02-08 JPA and Microservices, RxJava, CRUD and TX, Gradle, Cross Field Validation, Licensing, MDA or Topics For The 35th
2017-02-06 JSON Is The New Data Transfer Object (DTO)
2017-02-02 60k eBills per Hour, Tiny WARs -- Or Java EE 7 In Mass Billing and Public Services Market in Slovenia
2017-01-20 Upcoming Cloud, Microservice, Web and Java EE Events
2017-01-17 Importance of Java EE, JCP, Java EE Guardians and Microprofile--Interview With Reza Rahman
2017-01-16 Java 8 Base64 Encoding / Decoding
2017-01-15 Java 8 partitioningBy Example
2017-01-15 Java 8 groupingBy Example
2017-01-12 Java Is #1 In January 2017
2017-01-10 2017 Predictions
2017-01-09 Java EE vs. Spring, State of Microprofile, Is SOAP nice? Oracle targets non-payers or the topics for the 1.2017 / 34th
2017-01-08 My Blog is a Personal Notepad
2016-12-28 Java 8: Converting An Array To A Stream
2016-12-20 How To Maximize Fun In Enterprise Projects
2016-12-18 URL Templates With JAX-RS
2016-12-14 GlassFish on Steroids, Micro, Full, Clouds and Commercial Support--An Interview With Dominika Tasarz
2016-12-05 Java EE 8 News, Central Logs, Layering, Util, ExceptionFactories, JDBC in Docker, DTOs, Lombok--Or 33rd
2016-12-04 TomEE 7.0.2 Full--Docker Smoke Test
2016-11-30 Slicing The Monolith--With Java EE And Docker
2016-11-29 HTTP Status Code Test Service: statustest
2016-11-28 Custom Matchers, Better Messages: JAX-RS Client Rulz v0.0.4 released
2016-11-25 New Java EE Related Docker Images Arrived: Docklands
2016-11-22 Adding And Substracting Path Instances With Java
2016-11-21 How Many "Util"(-ities) Classes Ship With Java 8?
2016-11-20 Class Naming: Suffix "Util" Is Evil
2016-11-18 Slideless Microservices From Oredev
2016-11-17 Unwrapping Exceptions With ApplicationException
2016-11-17 The Perfect JavaEE Microservice
2016-11-13 Serializing POJOs With Custom Content-Type In JAX-RS 2.x
2016-11-09 MessageFormat as Built-In Template Engine
2016-11-07 gRPC, Appservers, Docker, ORMs, Security, Transparent Proxies or Questions for the 32nd
2016-10-18 Upcoming (some free) JUGs, Online Streaming Sessions And Workshops
2016-10-07 Java 8 FlatMap Example
2016-10-07 Java 8 CompletableFuture Example
2016-10-02 Java EE 8, JavaOne Impressions, REST APIs, JDK vs. openJDK, API Gateways, Load Balancing, Event Sourcing, Clusters or Questions for the 31st Q&A
2016-10-02 Lightning Fast Java EE 8 and 9 Releases, Running JMS Servers, Configuration Managment or Questions for the 30th Q&A
2016-09-25 The Ingredients and Roadmap of Rebooted Java EE 8 and 9
2016-09-23 My One And Only Microservices Live Hacking JavaOne Session
2016-09-07 Building Integrated Messaging Solutions For Banks With Java EE Microservices
2016-09-07 React, Angular 2, Microservices, High Performance Java EE, Q & A -- Early Autumn Events, Conferences and JUGs
2016-08-31 Thin WARs, High Productivity And 10k Transactions Per Second On Stock Java EE 7
2016-08-29 Java EE 8 Plans, Oracles Statement, Performance Smoke, Software Quality Rules, Cross-Jars Alternatives or 29th Questions and Answers
2016-08-25 HAProxy, TomEE 7.01 Plus, Elasticsearch -- New Docklands Images Arrived
2016-08-16 Angular 2: Styling The Generated Host Tag
2016-08-09 How to add an attribute to javax.json.JsonObject
2016-08-09 How to merge javax.json.JsonObject instances
2016-08-05 Using Excel As Source For Unit Tests
2016-08-02 Sending An OPTIONS Request With Angular 2
2016-07-19 The Enterprise Java Future Is Bright: Java EE 8 MicroProfile Launched
2016-07-15 July 2016: Java is #1 And Raising
2016-07-14 xplr: Utility For Migrations To Maven
2016-07-13 CDI smells, Oracle and Java EE 8, JAX-RS, Logging, Microservices, Monitoring or 28th Questions and Answers
2016-06-23 From Electronic Transactions Over Banking Services To Payment Gateways--Java EE 7 In FinTech
2016-06-15 Headlands Firehose Edition Is Available
2016-06-14 Satellites, Internet of Tractors, Machine Tracks Or Next Generation Farming With Java 7
2016-06-14 Building Event Management Products With Java EE 7
2016-06-13 @Stateful vs. @SessionScoped
2016-06-09 Drones, Smart TVs, Gaming -- Java EE Through The Eyes Of A Serial Entrepreneur
2016-06-08 Are @Local and @Remote EJB Interfaces Deprecated?
2016-06-06 27th Airhacks Q&A: Java EE 8 News, Interceptors, JAXB, @Remote, BCE and Eclipse
2016-06-01 Oracle Moves In Strange Ways
2016-06-01 Apache TomEE 7.0.0 Released--And Smoke Tested
2016-05-28 Java EE 8 Security API 1.0-m01 Is Available For Testing
2016-05-18 Managing Break Parts For Cars With Java EE 7
2016-05-12 The Public Java EE 8 Mail Archives
2016-05-11 Simplest Possible REST Client
2016-05-09 26th Airhacks Q&A: Java EE Guardians, Microservices, Highperformance JSF, Microservices Challenges
2016-05-06 Simplest Possible REST Endpoint
2016-04-27 afterburner.fx v1.7.0 "Branch Terminator" Released
2016-04-20 Converting Exceptions Into HTTP Status Codes
2016-04-18 How To Replace Classes With Java EE--After The Fact
2016-04-14 New Docker Images For Java EE
2016-04-11 25th Airhacks Q&A: EJB future, Java EE 8, Async JAX-RS, Angular2, JMX, Batch and PHP
2016-04-03 How To Dockerize WebLogic For Java EE 7
2016-03-30 Building Hospital Information Systems -- Migrating to Java EE At Agfa Healthcare
2016-03-18 Continous Deployment and 50% Code Reduction with Java EE at in Japan
2016-03-15 Injecting Remote Properties With Java EE
2016-03-13 jEdit-A Free and Portable Editor Written In Java
2016-03-10 Java EE 7 Microservices On-Demand Workshop
2016-03-09 Java EE At UNIQA Insurance Group
2016-03-07 Java EE 8 News, WebJars, Concurrency, Plugins, Configurability, SOA, Streams or 24th
2016-03-02 Early Spring, Some Free, Java SE/FX/EE Events
2016-02-29 Killing Frameworks With Java EE 7 -- Migration Story at Atrem
2016-02-25 Java EE 7 with Apache TomEE 7.0.0-M1 on Java 1.8.0_73-- A Smoke Test
2016-02-22 Java EE Apps on 10 TB RAM, 5Ghz Big Irons
2016-02-21 afterburner.fx 1.6.3 released
2016-02-18 Communication Between Linked Docker Containers With Java EE
2016-02-17 Removing Bloat With Java EE In Brazil
2016-02-15 "Envy" Ping--The Healthcheck For Micro Java EE 7 Apps--Released
2016-02-10 Vanilla Java EE Productivity In Costa Rica
2016-02-09 Injecting Properties Into Java EE Applications
2016-02-08 Is It Possible To Create You Own JSR? -- An Interview About Java Community Process (JCP) with Heather VanCura
2016-02-07 Converting a Map<String,String> Into javax.json.JsonObject with Java 8
2016-02-05 LightFish "SkinnyFish" Payara / GlassFish monitoring tool released
2016-02-04 The Only One Dependency You Need In Java EE 7
2016-02-02 Extreme Productivity With Java EE: In 35 Days Helping 20.000 Families
2016-02-01 Configuring The EntityManager At Injection Time
2016-01-31 Integration Testing: Setting System Properties Before DeltaSpike
2016-01-30 Java EE 8 News, WildFly vs. JBoss, Property Injection, HTML 5 in WARs, Images in DB or 23rd
2016-01-29 Java 8 Streams: From List To Map
2016-01-28 Java EE in Microsoft's Cloud or Interview With Java Evangelist ...At Microsoft
2016-01-27 Configurable CircuitBreaker For Java EE
2016-01-26 Executable Intro Into The RESTful Java EE 8 Management API 2.0
2016-01-24 Railways, 3D Rendering, Microservices--An Interview With A Java EE 7 Book Author
2016-01-21 A Set Of Minimalistic Dockerfiles for Java EE: Docklands
2016-01-20 Building a Healthcare Archive Product With Java EE 7
2016-01-19 JCache Based Configurator-JC2
2016-01-18 The Difference Between JMS and WebSockets
2016-01-17 When Java EE Is Too Fast--You Need Snail
2016-01-17 Early 2016 Java EE Events
2016-01-15 Building Server Monitoring Tools ...and Blogs With Java EE 7
2016-01-13 The Ingredients of Java EE 8
2016-01-11 Sizing, SSO, Spring, JMS, WebSockets, PL/SQL, Builds, NoSQL or First in 2016
2015-12-23 CDI Events: Obtaining The InjectionPoint From EventMetaData
2015-12-22 A 8.5kB Nashorn HTTP Server
2015-12-21 Replacing Utility Classes With Interfaces And Java 8
2015-12-19 From Command Line To Java EE, Nashorn And Enhydrator - A Hospital Reporting System
2015-12-17 Nicer sleep() With TimeUnit
2015-12-16 Java EE 7 with Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1 on Java 8u60 -- A Smoke Test Java EE 7 Server Smoke Of: Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1
2015-12-14 State of Java EE 8, Bulkheads, Circuit Breakers, The Most Underhyped Vulnerability or Topics For The Xmas Airhacks Q&A
2015-12-03 Java Is #1 ...and Climbing
2015-12-03 Programming Language Index For October - Java Is Still #1
2015-12-02 Proposed Schedule Change for JDK 9
2015-11-29 Afterburner.fx Netbeans Plugin Release--An Interview
2015-11-27 Java EE 7 Testing -- Online Workshop On Demand
2015-11-26 A Minimalistic Circuit Breaker Pattern Implementation For Java EE
2015-11-26 A 6KB Circuit Breaker For Java EE Released
2015-11-24 Java 8: Infinite Stream of UUIDs
2015-11-23 Java EE Bootstrap Workshop--Available For Rent and Download
2015-11-16 Traveling Java 8 Lambdas With Headlands / JCache / Hazelcast
2015-11-15 How Much Code You Can Delete With Vanilla Java EE 7 - Some Numbers
2015-11-12 Java EE 7 with IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile: On Java 8 A Smoke Test
2015-11-11 Productive Java EE 7 on Java 8 At Commerzbank
2015-11-06 Enhydrator With Nashorn Sink Released
2015-11-03 JavaOne Afterglow, High Performance Java EE, JSON over DTO, Maven Releases Or 21st Airhacks Questions And Answers
2015-11-02 Java 7/8 And The Built-In Assertion
2015-10-31 Blog Archive Is Available
2015-10-31 JavaOne News: Day 2
2015-10-29 JavaOne News: Day 1
2015-10-29 JavaOne News: Day 4
2015-10-28 JavaOne News: Day 3
2015-10-25 My JavaOne 2015 Session Schedule
2015-10-21 Loadr With Support For Parameterized Jenkins Builds
2015-10-20 Converting JSON To Map With Java 8 Without Dependencies
2015-10-19 Reading InputStream Into String With Java 8
2015-10-15 Testing System.out.println Outputs
2015-10-12 Authentication, Beans, Clustering, Lazy Loading, Books and James Or Topics for 19th
2015-10-09 Mapping JPA OptimisticLockException Into HTTP Status Code
2015-10-08 Airhacks Java EE Q&A Live From JavaOne San Francisco
2015-10-06 Questions About Commenting
2015-10-01 JSF: NullPointerException in and the Solution
2015-09-24 Loadr CLI For Payara / GF Released
2015-09-23 Mission Critical, Low Latency Java EE In Manufacturing Systems -- An Interview With iTAC
2015-09-14 ESBs vs. Microservices, Java FX patterns, private REST and InjectionPoints Or Questions for 18th Airhacks Q&A
2015-09-14 Classpath conflicts, 50MB WARs, Scaling, Kafka, Threading and JSF, Or Questions for 17th Airhacks Q&A
2015-09-09 Sending And Receiving Streams With JAX-RS
2015-09-01 NetBeans, SVN, E155021, Problem and Resolution
2015-08-30 My JavaOne 2015 Session Schedule
2015-08-28 Rulz For EntityManager v0.0.2 and Rulz For JAX-RS Released v0.0.3
2015-08-25 Java EE 7: Sending JSON Objects Over WebSockets
2015-08-23 From #2 To #1: Java Stronger In The Lead
2015-08-21 JUGs, Conferences and (Streaming) Events
2015-08-20 Cool Kids Are Using Java
2015-08-18 Running JavaFX On Mobile Devices With Gluon And Afterburner
2015-08-17 Effective Java EE Workshop Available For Streaming And Drm-Free Download
2015-08-12 JAXB JSON POJO Serialization Example
2015-08-04 Commercial GlassFish Support From LogiCoy--An Interview.
2015-07-25 JAX-RS, DI, Maven and GlassFish Or The 10 Most Popular Videos Of "bienadam" Youtube Channel
2015-07-20 JPA: XML overrides Annotations
2015-07-10 Persisting An Annotation-Less POJO With JPA
2015-07-09 A Built-In Java HttpServer
2015-07-06 More Questions Than Ever: The 16th Airhacks Live Questions And Answers
2015-07-02 From javax.json.JsonObject To byte[] And Back
2015-07-01 Trouble-Free Shopping with And Java EE 7
2015-06-24 JAX-RS Client Rulz v0.0.2 released
2015-06-23 One-liner: Extracting Long Statistics From A Collection of POJOs
2015-06-21 The Difference Between SOA and Microservices Architectures
2015-06-09 Do You Know Any Container-Less App?
2015-06-08 Enhydrator--The Java 8 Extract Transform Load (ETL) Tool Released
2015-06-05 Airhacks BoF, Nashorns and Macroservices at JavaONE 2015
2015-05-29 Forklifts, Scanners and IoT: "The Lone Java EE Hacker" at OSRAM
2015-05-29 20 Years of Java, MVC, WebSockets and JSPs--Questions for 15th Airhacks Edition
2015-05-20 beans.xml and JAXRSConfiguration: javaee7-essentials-archetype v1.3 released
2015-05-19 Auto-Creating JMS Destinations With JMS 2.0 and Java EE 7
2015-05-15 An Interview With the Killerfish--Payara
2015-05-13 From Devoxx 2014: Pico Services with Java EE 7 on Java 8 and Docker
2015-05-11 JAX-RS: Get swagger.json For Free!
2015-05-08 Proposed schedule for JDK 9
2015-05-07 Upcoming Java EE / Java / Testing / HTML 5 / Persistence Workshops Talks and Events
2015-05-07 Multiple JAX-RS URIs in One WAR
2015-05-06 Java EE 8 MVC (JSR-371) Example
2015-05-03 JSF, MVC, CDI and .net Or Questions for the 14th Airhacks "May" Edition
2015-05-02 JAX-RS: Asserting Successful Response With Response.Status.Family
2015-04-30 Rulz: JAX-RS 2.0 Client Provider for System Tests Released
2015-04-28 A Java EE Startup: Filtering Information with
2015-04-08 A Java EE Startup: Getting Lucky With DreamIt
2015-04-06 Questions For 13th Airhacks Q&A Easter Egg Edition at Tuesday 7th April
2015-04-01 Counting Lines With Java 8
2015-03-31 A Java EE 7 Startup: Virtualizing Services with
2015-03-30 Enterprise Nashorn--Free Article
2015-03-29 March's Airhacks Live Event Shifts to Tuesday
2015-03-27 Installing Oracle JDBC-Driver On Wildfly / JBoss
2015-03-23 A Java EE Startup: Fashion with Stylight
2015-03-18 The Porcupine Spy v0.0.4 and Porcupine v0.0.4 Released
2015-03-16 A Java EE Startup: 200 Schools on
2015-03-11 Porcupine 0.0.3 Released
2015-03-10 Java EE Through The Eyes of PHP Developers: Interview With A Java EE Spin-Off
2015-02-27 REST TX, Clustering, Dead SOAP, Timers, Microservices vs. Monolith, Principal Propagation or Questions for the 12th Airhacks
2015-02-26 Rulz: EntityManager Provider for Integration Tests
2015-02-25 A Java EE 7 Startup: TipiCamp
2015-02-24 hellsockets: The Java EE 7 WebSocket Stress Generator
2015-02-20 Headlands "Payara" Release Is Available
2015-02-19 "Can not execute..." sonar-maven-plugin error and solution
2015-02-18 Note On Polyglot Programming
2015-02-15 Afterburner.fx 1.6.2 Is Available
2015-02-13 Oracle And IBM Are Moving In Opposite Directions
2015-02-12 Still No Guitar Skills--But Thank You For The JavaOne 2014 Session Evaluations
2015-02-10 Small Footprint, Fast Deployments, Easy Installation and Commercial Support ...Why Not WebSphere?--An Interview With Kevin Sutter
2015-02-09 Build Your Fresh Payara (=GlassFish On Steroids)
2015-02-06 Concurrent Programming with Java EE 7 and Java SE 8--Free Article
2015-02-05 11th Q & A Uploaded
2015-02-04 Java Is Not Sufficiently Challenging For Me
2015-02-03 GlassFish Became The Killer AppServer And Then Changed The Name
2015-02-02 Groovy vs. JS, Swing 2 JavaFX, Micro/Macro Services, Sessions, TX and Scalability Questions for 11th Airhacks
2015-01-29 Injectable, Configurable, Resilient and Monitorable ThreadPools in Java EE 7 -- Porcupine Is Available
2015-01-22 Listing Docker Containers with Nashorn
2015-01-20 Amazon AWS Became Lightweight--Support For Java 8 and GlassFish 4.1 Available
2015-01-17 Java is #2 at the Tiobe Community Index
2015-01-14 JSON-P and JAX-RS 2 Client Maven Dependencies For RESTEasy
2015-01-11 Transactions, Scopes, Single Page Apps, Killer Servers, Complex JSON, Modularization Again--Questions For the 10th Airhacks Questions and Answers
2015-01-09 JCache / JSR-107 RESTification--Project Headlands v0.0.1
2015-01-07 "Airhacks News" Mailing List
2014-12-30 New Java 8 Date and JPA 2.1 Integration
2014-12-28 Converting an Iterator or Spliterator into a Stream
2014-12-25 Early 2015 Java EE Events
2014-12-23 Bundling Sources And Javadoc With Maven Output
2014-12-22 Attaching Sources and JavaDoc to Maven Project
2014-12-18 Why Standards Are Hot, Or Why I Still Like Java EE
2014-12-12 Changing Working Directories In Nashorn Scripting
2014-12-10 JUG Tricity, Microservices and The History Repeats
2014-12-05 Setting Timeout For The JAX-RS 2.0 / Jersey Client
2014-12-04 Introducing afterburner.fx TopGun Edition
2014-12-01 Service Discovery, Micro Service Communication, Fast Deployments, JPA-JSON Serialization, ECB again or 9th Airhacks Q&A
2014-11-28 JAX-RS 2.0 Client: Retrieving A List Of Instances, Problem and Solution
2014-11-27 Docker, Java EE, Continuous Delivery--A Screencast / Conversation With Arun Gupta
2014-11-25 GlassFish and NoAdminPortEx
2014-11-20 Free Article: "Structuring Complex JavaFX 8 Applications for Productivity"
2014-11-19 Java EE 7 Bootstrap Is Available ...Online
2014-11-15 Unorthodox Enterprise Practices With Java EE 7 and Java 8 at JavaOne 2014
2014-11-13 Upcoming Free JUG / Java EE Events
2014-11-11 Using Jackson in TomEE As JAXB-JSON Provider
2014-11-10 Configuring The JSON Default Provider (jettison) in TomEE
2014-11-07 8th Q & A Uploaded -- JSF, Scopes, Persistence and Spring vs. Java EE
2014-11-03 Scheduler, DataSources, Microservices, JSF and JS, Beeing Optimismtic or Questions For the 8th
2014-10-25 Enterprise Nashorn with Java 8 at JavaOne 2014
2014-10-24 JAX-RS: Returning A List Of Instances, Problem and Solution
2014-10-23 CLI, Docker and Lambdas: Nashorn ...and Java EE
2014-10-23 Rethinking Packaging, Modularization, Interfaces with Plain Java EE 7: 33rd Degree Conference
2014-10-22 Setting The Classpath For Nashorn Script in jjs / Java 8
2014-10-21 Lazy Injection with javax.inject.Provider
2014-10-20 JavaFX: A Composite View with WYSIWYG
2014-10-17 Java 8, Nashorn, Nanoservices, JavaFX On-Stage Hacking and Airhacks -- End Of Year Events
2014-10-14 Why Service Isn't A ServiceFacade, But ServiceFacade Is Sometimes A Service...
2014-10-14 Named Parameters in Java 8
2014-10-12 Java Mission Control--Development / Pricing and Unlocking
2014-10-10 7th Airhacks Q & A Uploaded--JavaOne, Microservices, Scopes and JPA
2014-10-07 JavaOne 2014--The Zero Day
2014-10-07 JavaOne 2014 Afterglow and Feedback
2014-10-04 JavaOne News, EntityManagers, SessionScoped Stateful or 7th AIrhacks Q & A
2014-09-30 JavaOne and Overnight Rockstars--The Official Soundtrack
2014-09-26 afterburner 1.6.1 Released
2014-09-24 JavaOne, JUG, Q&As and Airhacking--Free Events, Sessions and Workshops
2014-09-23 The Most Popular Microservice (Is Written In Java)
2014-09-19 #2 NetBeans Rocks: Maven, Ant, HTML 5 Support
2014-09-18 TomEE PluME--Like GlassFish But With Commercial Support
2014-09-15 Unit / Integration Testing the Bean Validation (JSR-303)
2014-09-13 Java EE Maven Archetype (BCE / ECB) v0.0.4 - EntityManager Mocking and System Test
2014-09-12 WildFly, Bower, Karma, RequireJS or NetBeans 8.0.1
2014-09-11 HTML5, WebSockets and Java EE 7 -- Screencast
2014-09-10 GlassFish 4.1 Is Ready For Download
2014-09-06 Recordings Of The 6th Airhacks Q&A
2014-09-05 Java 8 + Java EE 7: POJO to JsonObject Conversion
2014-09-03 Building Nanoservices with Java 8 and JavaEE 7
2014-08-31 Opinionated JavaFX 8--virtualJUG Session
2014-08-30 New Pattern, Play, Broken EJB Proxies, Network Files, Huge Apps--Or The 6th Airhacks Q & A
2014-08-30 My JavaOne 2014 Sessions: JavaFX, Nashorn and Unorthodox Practices
2014-08-28 DTO: The Exceptions From The Rule
2014-08-25 JavaEE 7 Retired The DTO
2014-08-23 NetBeans Rocks: Installation and Setup
2014-08-22 Mocking JPA EntityManager with Query
2014-08-21 How To Deal With J2EE and Design Patterns
2014-08-20 igniter.fx 1.9.2 released--The Java 8 Edition
2014-08-15 Special Business Logic Treatment Considered Harmful in Java EE
2014-08-13 Every Ping Needs A Floyd - v0.0.1 Released
2014-08-08 afterburner.fx 1.6.0 released
2014-08-06 The Return Of JSPs In HTML 5?
2014-08-05 5th Airhacks Answers For Questions
2014-08-05 The 4th Question && Answers Show
2014-08-03 RichFaces' 5 Future -- Stability over Innovation
2014-08-01 Microservices, State, REST, Learning Java and Questions Overflow: 5th Airhacks Q & A
2014-07-29 WLS 12c (12.1.3) and Java EE 7, Some Smoke
2014-07-17 Nashorns, Strange Practices, DI in FX and No Hallway Conversations--An Interview About my (=Adam Bien) JavaOne Activities
2014-07-16 Late Summer Java (SE,FX,EE) Hacks
2014-07-15 Starting With Java FX, Maven and afterburner.fx
2014-07-14 Hosted WatchDock(er) Available
2014-07-11 WatchDock(er) v0.0.1 Released
2014-07-09 Java EE 7 Sample With JPA Integration Tests Released
2014-07-07 Official Airhacks IRC Channel
2014-07-04 4th Airhacks Q&A Live: The Questions
2014-06-30 Temporarily pointing maven to another settings.xml
2014-06-28 Java EE Maven Archetype (BCE / ECB) v0.0.2 - With Arquillian
2014-06-27 JAX-RS 2.0 Client -- The Very Beginning
2014-06-24 Identifying Dead Code With Code Coverage
2014-06-20 Taking A Heap Dump With jcmd (Java 7 / 8)
2014-06-16 Visualize Your Java EE 7 Dependency Injection and Relations
2014-06-11 Java EE 7 / Java 8 "Boundary Control Entity" (BCE) Archetype Released
2014-06-09 Java SE 8 Language (and VM) Specification with The Diff To Java SE 7
2014-06-03 3rd Airhacks Q&A And The Answers Are:
2014-06-01 igniter.fx--The afterburner.fx Archetype Released
2014-05-31 A Little REST with JAX-RS 2.0 and Java EE 7--A JEE Conf Session
2014-05-29 afterburner.fx 1.5.1 released
2014-05-28 Questions for the 3th Airhacks Q&A Live [June, 2nd, 6 P.M. CET]
2014-05-23 GlassFish, Future and No Secret Agenda--An Interview With John Clingan, GlassFish Product Manager
2014-05-21 Ping For Java EE 7 / Java SE 8 v0.0.2 Released
2014-05-16 Upcoming Java EE Sessions, Workshops and Virtual Events
2014-05-12 The JAXB's PostConstruct Callback
2014-05-08 Java EE 7 + CompletableFuture = Clean + Easy [Screencast]
2014-05-06 2nd Airhacks Q&A And The Answers Are:
2014-05-04 2nd Airhacks Q&A And The Draft Questions Are:
2014-04-30 Java 8: Introducing StringJoiner
2014-04-24 Golden Times For Java Devs -- Interview with WJUG (Warszawa Java User Group)
2014-04-23 javaee7-essentials-archetype v1.2 released
2014-04-18 Java 8, Method Handles and Concurrency Utilities For Java EE
2014-04-15 Java 8: Reducing a List Into A CSV String
2014-04-14 How To Tackle JavaEE - DevCrowd Keynote
2014-04-08 1st Airhacks Q&A And The Answers Are:
2014-04-07 1st Airhacks Q&A And The Questions Are:
2014-04-03 Airhacks Q & A and How To Tackle Java EE (7)
2014-04-03 GlassFish v4.0.1 Daily Build Supports Java 8 Lambda
2014-03-27 Java 8 + Nashorn Scripting + Mustache = Static Page Generator
2014-03-25 CORS For JAX-RS 2.0 / Java EE 7 Released
2014-03-24 Java 8: Streaming A String
2014-03-22 Java 8: Reading A File Into A String
2014-03-21 afterburner.fx v1.4.4 released
2014-03-20 Free Java 8 / java EE 7 / Java FX 8 After Dark Session and Virtual, World Wide Java QA
2014-03-17 Java EE 7: JAX-RS 2.0 and Bean Validation [Screencast]
2014-03-07 GlassFish v4 Management and Monitoring--London Glassfish User Group (GUG)
2014-03-06 Monitoring GlassFish With Java8 And Nashorn
2014-03-06 JSON Streaming With JAX-RS 2.0
2014-03-05 The Enterprise Line Is Too Short
2014-03-04 Java 7+: Writing A String To File--A One Liner
2014-02-28 Java 8: Dumping Content Of a Map
2014-02-26 Free Java Event: 1st Airhacks Tribe Gathering
2014-02-25 Java 7+: Deleting Recursively A Directory
2014-02-24 Nothing Is Good Enough For Production
2014-02-21 Unorthodox in Warsaw, Hacking At Airport and Quantum of Code In Frankfurt
2014-02-19 EJBs As Executors In JavaEE 6
2014-02-18 Listing All Environment Variables ...With Java 8 And JavaScript
2014-02-17 Stress vs. Load Testing
2014-02-13 Commercial GlassFish Support Is Back--By C2B2
2014-02-12 JavaEE 7 - Injecting A ManagedExecutorService
2014-02-10 Hot To Access An Environment Variable In Java
2014-02-03 Commercial GlassFish Support Is Back--By LodGon
2014-01-28 Java 8: From Ordinary For-Loop To An IntStream
2014-01-27 Early 2014 Java Events
2014-01-23 Jenkins: hudson.util.AWTProblem: java.lang.NullPointerException And Solution
2014-01-22 Enterprise Software Predictions 2014
2014-01-21 Java 8: From a for-loop to forEach statement
2014-01-21 Java EE 7, Lambdas and Revolutions -- A Short Interview With Me (Adam Bien) at JavaOne
2014-01-16 Deploying from command line with WildFly
2013-12-30 ping for JavaEE 6/7 is released
2013-12-28 New releases: afterburner.fx, igniter.fx and followme.fx
2013-12-24 Merry Christmas :-)
2013-12-20 Back To Basics: Hello Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
2013-12-19 What are the options of remote debugging like:-Xrunjdwp, server, suspend?
2013-12-17 Free Article: RESTful GlassFish Monitoring and Management
2013-12-13 afterburner.fx v1.3 is available
2013-12-12 JavaOne Session "Stress Testing JavaEE Applications" Is Available
2013-12-10 The State of SOAP / JAX-WS
2013-12-06 JavaOne Session "Lean and Opinionated JavaEE Applications" Is Available
2013-12-03 Can Ten Nurses Transplant A Heart In One Hour?
2013-11-26 Reactive Programming with JavaFX
2013-11-22 Lambdas, JAX-RS and WebSockets: JavaFX Integration Strategies
2013-11-19 Hello JavaEE 7 With Maven 3, JAX-RS 2.0 and JSON ...In 3 Mins
2013-11-18 How To Fix Expired Certificate In Embedded Glassfish
2013-11-14 How To Comment With JavaDoc
2013-11-13 Data Binding, Injection and FXML with JavaFX
2013-11-10 JavaOne Session "Architecting Enterprise JavaFX Applications" Is Available
2013-11-08 What Oracle Could Do For GlassFish Now
2013-11-07 Unworldly Oredev 2013 Theme
2013-11-06 Version 1.1 of JavaEE 7 Essentials Archetype For Maven 3 Is Available
2013-11-05 GlassFish Became A Killer Appserver, Now It Is Just Great: Oracle Drops Commercial Support For GlassFish
2013-11-03 afterburner.fx 1.2 and igniter.fx 1.8 Are Released
2013-10-31 JavaFX: Building A Component With DI, CoC and Scene Builder From Scratch
2013-10-30 JavaOne Session "Demystifying JavaEE" Is Available
2013-10-29 Visualize Your JavaEE Dependencies In 30 Seconds
2013-10-29 How To Burn Money With Confidence
2013-10-26 JavaOne, JUG, Podcast and Self Publishing ...Or The Story Behind "Real World Java EE Patterns--Rethinking Best Practices"
2013-10-22 loadr - a GlassFish Java Deployment API
2013-10-21 How To Treat The JPA EntityManager?
2013-10-18 Bureaucratic Design With Java EE
2013-10-16 Autumn Java EE / FX Conferences and Workshops
2013-10-15 Starting WebSphere With Java EE 6 &#8230;In 3 Seconds--A Smoke Test
2013-10-14 Setting Up Java EE 7 Projects With Maven 3
2013-10-11 When Is PortableRemoteObject#narrow needed?
2013-10-10 JavaFX 8 with Convention over Configuration, Dependency Injection, Maven and SceneBuilder
2013-10-09 Run Java 7u40 Embedded on Lego Mindstorms
2013-10-08 Is It Time For Semantic HTML 5 For JSF In Java EE 8?
2013-10-07 Links and Resources For My (Adam Bien) JavaOne Java EE / FX Sessions
2013-10-02 Java FX Data Binding For Enterprise Applications--Free Article
2013-10-01 Software Developer's Journal -- The Java Edition Is Out
2013-09-30 JavaOne San Francisco 2013: Feedback
2013-09-25 "Real World Java EE Patterns--Rethinking Best Practices" Book Joins MatchBook
2013-09-25 NetBeans 7.4 Supports Lambda Expressions and Java 8
2013-09-25 Nothing Compares &#8230;To NetBeans
2013-09-17 JavaEE 7 Application Monitoring With JavaFX 8, GlassFish v4 And LightFish
2013-09-16 Extensive Documentation ...Is No Documentation
2013-09-13 The Hidden JavaEE 7 Gem - Lambdas With JDK 1.7
2013-09-09 What I'm Doing At JavaOne In San Francisco
2013-09-09 Upcoming JavaEE 7 / JavaFX 8 / HTML 5 Events
2013-09-05 Essential JavaEE 7 pom.xml &#8230;With 21 LoC
2013-09-05 Screencast: Extending JavaEE Authorization With Custom Principal
2013-09-03 Client-Side HTTP Basic Access Authentication With JAX-RS 2.0
2013-09-02 afterburner.fx Version 1.0 Is Available From Maven Central Repository
2013-08-30 Can I Start Threads In EJBs?
2013-08-27 maven-release-plugin "Unable to tag SCM" Issue And Solution
2013-08-26 LightFish v1.2.0 Runs On GlassFish v4 And Is Available For Download
2013-08-24 Base64 Encoding With JDK 1.6+ And Java 8
2013-08-12 The Cost Of An "Empty" Transaction--Screencast
2013-08-08 Selecting All JPA Entities As Criteria Query
2013-08-07 JSF/ Java EE CSS Styling Simplification with prependId
2013-08-01 NetBeans 7 + TomEE 1.5.2 Integration
2013-07-30 EJB 3.2--Listing All Timers
2013-07-28 Airhacks JavaEE Workshops 6th (Winter) Edition
2013-07-12 EARs, WARs And Size Matters
2013-07-10 When Your DI Breaks: bean-discovery-mode in CDI 1.1 (JavaEE 7)
2013-07-09 Configuring JAXB Mapping On A JAX-RS 2.0 Client
2013-07-08 Listening To Transaction Progress With CDI
2013-07-05 From JavaFX to JavaEE -- See You At JavaOne 2013
2013-07-02 Configuring GlassFish To Serve Offline HTML 5 Applications
2013-07-01 NetBeans 7 + JBoss 7 = Productive Combo
2013-06-28 Validating EJB / CDI Parameters With Java EE 7
2013-06-27 JavaPocalypse
2013-06-26 Configuring JAX-RS 2.0 Client For JSON Serialization
2013-06-25 Injecting An ExecutorService With Java EE 7
2013-06-24 Free Session "Enterprise Java FX" at Fachhoschule (Polytechnic) Rosenheim
2013-06-24 JSF 2.2 and HTML 5 Placeholder (Passthrough)
2013-06-21 A List Of Java EE 7 Maven API Dependencies
2013-06-20 Useful Catalog of JavaEE 5-7 Schemas
2013-06-18 JavaEE ...And The Bloat Is Gone (Session at InfoShare Conference)
2013-06-15 MVP, IoC, DI and WYSIWG &#8230;with JavaFX--A Free Article
2013-06-13 Glassfish v4 Is Out (with JavaEE 7)
2013-06-07 JavaEE 7 Heals Crippled Jars And java.lang.ClassFormatError
2013-06-05 Summer Of JavaEE Workshops And Gigs
2013-05-31 Why It Is Impossible To Automatically Handle javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException
2013-05-28 Essential Maven POM For JavaEE 7
2013-05-27 EJB: How To Catch javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException
2013-05-26 Real World Java EE - Devoxx 2012 Session is Online
2013-05-26 Maven: Lifecycle Hooks Lead To Infrequent Integrations
2013-05-15 AJAX, SOAP, NoSQL, EJB--All Wrong Acronyms
2013-04-30 Essential Vaadin 7 / Java EE Maven 3 POM
2013-04-28 A Minimalistic POM For JavaEE 6/7
2013-04-25 Exceptions Are Objects
2013-04-24 1h With Enterprise JavaFX 8--JAX 2013 Session [German]
2013-04-19 Dependency Injection &#8230;and there is no magic
2013-04-16 The Raise Of Anti-Cloud Devices
2013-04-15 Events: Enterprise JavaFX 8, Vaadin 7, Pragmatic JavaEE, Distributed Persistence and JavaOne
2013-04-11 Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control and Convention over Configuration ...with JavaFX 8
2013-04-11 Which Java Web Framework To Choose? The Client- vs. Server-Centric Story
2013-04-08 Configuring Default Goal In Maven 3
2013-04-05 JAX-RS 2.0 and Java EE 7--A Free Article
2013-04-02 Java EE / FX Workshops, Sessions and Talks
2013-03-21 How To Deal With Transaction Isolation Levels?
2013-03-15 Why Not One Application Per Server / Domain?
2013-02-25 The Master of 33degree--Interview With Grzegorz Duda
2013-02-21 The Most Interesting NetBeans Release is Out: 7.3
2013-02-18 Java Is The Most Popular Language (#1) In February 2013
2013-02-14 Markdown Plugin For NetBeans 7
2013-02-10 Modular Java EE Workshops--Interview, Podcast and A Compilable Agenda
2013-02-04 Developing Java Apps for iOS--Codenameone, An Interview
2013-02-01 Java EE Authentication and Authorization--A Free Article
2013-01-30 The EJB Overhead--Screencast
2013-01-28 JPA/EJB3 killed the DAO
2013-01-28 Data Access Object--Reader's Questions
2013-01-24 Useful NetBeans Shortcuts--Show Clipboard History
2013-01-24 Useful NetBeans Shortcuts--Go to JUnit Test
2013-01-23 Roadmap To JDK 1.8
2013-01-22 In Case Dozer Or BeanUtils Are Working Well You Have A Problem
2013-01-17 The Java (EE) Start To 2013--Q1 Sessions, Events, Workshops
2013-01-14 The Obvious But Ignored Way To Save Money (And Increase Productivity)
2013-01-08 Temporary "junk" Packages Are A Best Practice
2013-01-08 Util Packages Are Evil
2012-12-17 130.000 HTTP Sessions With -Xmx512m--A Scalability PoC
2012-12-06 Lazy Loading Entities In Views Challenge--Reader's Question And Answer
2012-12-04 Probably The Last (and Free) Java EE JUG Event This Year--Rethinking Java EE Reloaded
2012-11-30 EJBs? Still Interesting In Java EE 7--5 Mins About Lifecycle
2012-11-23 Listing Directory Contents with JDK 1.7 and NIO.2
2012-11-21 Maven Ivory Towers, Configuration And Java EE Productivity--Or A Day At Devoxx 2012
2012-11-19 SAP's NetWeaver Cloud Application Server Is Java EE 6 Web Profile Certified
2012-11-14 NightHacking With Java FX and Java EE [Screencast]
2012-11-12 TomEE Maven Alien--Sample Project For Maven 3, Arquillian and TomEE
2012-11-09 @Inject vs. @EJB
2012-11-07 Interview In The "Java Spotlight Episode 107" Podcast
2012-11-06 Code Coverage Is Perfect &#8230;For Code Deletion
2012-11-05 Java EE For Grownups, Airhacks, JDD and Devoxx--Some Java EE Events
2012-10-31 10 Useful Java EE Tools
2012-10-25 Java EE AirHacks MUC Afterglow
2012-10-24 Endless Loops In Unsychronized WeakHashMap
2012-10-23 My (Adam Bien) JavaOne Session Videos and Resources
2012-10-21 If The Kindle Previewer Won't Start
2012-10-17 Project connectorZ--Lean JCA 1.6 File Store
2012-10-12 Simplest Possible JAX-RS with Maven--In 3 Minutes
2012-10-11 CloudVM From Waratek--An Interesting Product
2012-10-09 LightFish "JavaOne" Edition--New Features
2012-10-08 JavaOne 2012 Announcements And Surprises
2012-10-04 JavaOne 2012, First Feedback and The Strange Thing
2012-10-03 Project connectorZ--Lean JCA 1.6 Connector Implementations
2012-10-02 Lightweight Java EE Architectures-- A Free DevCast
2012-09-30 Install JavaFX Application &#8230;From Apple's Mac App Store
2012-09-30 Lightweight Java EE Screencast
2012-09-27 Java Home in Maven 3
2012-09-26 NetBeans--Future, Productivity and Fun. Interview With Oracle Product Manager For NetBeans: Geertjan Wielenga
2012-09-25 An Article About Java EE Connector Architectures 1.6 (JCA 1.6)
2012-09-23 My JavaOne 2012 and Community Day Activities (=Java Vacations)
2012-09-18 Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book And Project
2012-09-13 How To Discover All Deployed Beans
2012-09-10 Conveniently, Transactionally and Legally Starting Runnables &#8230;With Java EE 6
2012-09-03 Enterprise Java 2.0--A TechTalk Session
2012-08-19 Enterprise Java 2.0, Swiss Army Knife and AirHacking -- Late Summer Java EE Events
2012-08-16 Deployment of Enterprise Java FX Applications - A Free Article
2012-08-10 Does CDI Injection Of SessionScoped Beans Into A Servlet Work?
2012-08-07 Vaadin Java EE (No XML) Integration
2012-07-26 Mocking Without Interfaces [Screencast]
2012-07-17 How To Enforce Step-By-Step Execution--A Swing Hack
2012-07-13 (Easy) Threading and Concurrency In Java EE 6 -- A Free Article
2012-07-03 Enterprise JavaFX - Dashboard, WebView and DataBinding--Free Article
2012-06-25 Is in an EJB injected EntityManager thread-safe?
2012-06-24 Summits, Jugs and AirHacks--Upcoming Java EE Events
2012-06-21 LightFish--Now With HTTPs and Authentication Support
2012-06-16 Why Not Private Visibility For Injected Fields [Screencast]
2012-06-13 My Java EE / Java FX JavaOne 2012 Sessions
2012-06-13 The Enterprise Side of JavaFX--A Free Article about LightFish
2012-05-25 A List of Useful Java EE 6 PDF Specifications
2012-05-22 Pretty Printing Java Source As HTML
2012-05-16 Java EE and How to Specify The Unconventional With Convention Over Configuration [Free Article]
2012-05-10 Summer Java EE Workshops
2012-05-04 Great Simplification With EJB [ Screencast ]
2012-04-27 Java SE Development Kit 7 (JDK)--Released For Mac OS X
2012-04-25 Are Servlets Thread Safe and What Is The SingleThreadModel?
2012-04-23 A Great Set of Java EE Examples For Tomcat On Steroids (aka TomEE)
2012-04-18 Transparent Windows (Stage) With Java FX 2
2012-04-16 &#8230;And The Programming Language #1 is not Java, but...
2012-04-12 Arquillian Configuration For Embedded GlassFish 3.1.2 and Maven 3
2012-04-10 Building Java FX 2 Libraries From Source With Maven 3
2012-04-08 Enabling Remote Administration For Glassfish
2012-04-05 Creating Java EE 6 Projects With Maven 3--In 3 Minutes (Screencast)
2012-03-30 The Executable Feel Of JAX-RS 2.0 Client
2012-03-23 If You Get IOException: Unknown repository format "null"; expected "0" In NetBeans + Git
2012-03-22 Who Needs Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in Java EE?
2012-03-20 Java is #5 most popular language on github
2012-03-14 LightFish--An OpenSource GlassFish Monitoring Tool And Screencast
2012-03-08 (Java) FX Experience Tools--Feels Like Native Mac App
2012-03-05 Creating Maven 3 Multi Module Projects From Command Line
2012-03-02 5 Minutes (Video) With Java EE &#8230;Or With NetBeans + GlassFish
2012-03-01 Interview With Mission Impossible Java Hacker--Fabiane Nardon
2012-02-26 How To Run NetBeans 7.1 On JDK 1.7 Mac OS X Port Developer Preview
2012-02-20 How To Self-Invoke EJB 3.x with(out) "this"
2012-02-18 Spring Java EE Events Without Spring
2012-02-15 The List Of Certified Java EE 6 Servers--Every Other Month A New Server
2012-02-12 Java--The Second Highest Growth Language on GitHub, Still #1 On Tiobe And&#8230;
2012-02-07 Lightweight Publish-Subscribe--Free Article
2012-02-06 Setting JavaFX 2 Runtime At Start (And Solving "Unable to read ../rt/" Problem)
2012-01-31 Tomcat On Steroids (on Java EE 6) = TomEE--A Server Smoke Test
2012-01-30 GlassFish / Jersey Exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class" And Solution
2012-01-24 JavaFX 2.0 Is Available On ...Linux
2012-01-22 Upcoming Java EE / FX Events
2012-01-16 How To Package @Local Interfaces In An EAR?
2012-01-13 JavaFX 2.0 CSS Reference
2012-01-10 Premature Extensibility (In Java EE 6) Is the Root of Some Evil - A Free Article
2012-01-06 EJB 3.1 or CDI Managed Bean As JSF Backing Bean
2012-01-02 An Over-Engineering Story &#8230;From 1858
2011-12-23 Java FX 2 Data Binding Explained &#8230;With A JUnit Test
2011-12-21 How To Compile Java FX 2 Applications With Maven 3
2011-12-19 Java FX 2 &#8230;Comes With Java SE 7 Update 2
2011-12-15 WebLogic 12c (=Java EE 6 Full Profile Edition) And A Server Smoke Test
2011-12-13 What Is The @Interceptors Overhead?
2011-12-03 Getting The Source Code For JavaFX UI
2011-11-30 Clean Code And Java EE Video From JAX London
2011-11-27 Extremely Free "Java EE 6/7 Rocks!" Event At JUG Augsburg
2011-11-21 Sun Coding Conventions--The Only Standard (Stop Inventing)
2011-11-16 Stress Testing Java EE 6 Applications - Free Article In Free Java Magazine
2011-11-13 "Sniffers with type [connector] and type [ejb] should not claim&#8230;" And Solution
2011-11-10 Building Plug-ins With Java EE 6
2011-11-09 Java EE - And Upcoming (free) JUGs, Sessions And Workshops
2011-11-01 The openJDK Windows Binary Download
2011-10-28 EJB Remote, Local Interfaces and Clustering - Question Of The Week
2011-10-21 JavaOne 2011 Conclusion - What Moved Forward And The Evil Plan
2011-10-16 [German] Video Interview At The JBoss OneDayTalk in Munich
2011-10-13 JBoss 7.0.2--More Than A Smoke Test
2011-10-10 JavaOne 2011: Java EE 6 - The Cool Parts: Code And Video
2011-10-10 JDK / Java 7 on Mac OS X Lion - An Interesting Business Opportunity
2011-10-09 JDK 1.7 Mac OS X Developer Preview Download And Smoke Test
2011-10-09 Validate Your Patterns ...With Aliens
2011-10-05 JavaOne 11 Strategy Keynote Notes - Day 2
2011-10-04 Code Hard! (with Java)
2011-10-03 JavaOne 11 Technical Keynote Notes
2011-10-03 Java One 11: NetBeans 7.1 Beta Is Available
2011-09-30 JavaOne &#8230;and Java EE 6 - The Cool Parts Is already overcrowded
2011-09-27 Java EE 6+ Increases Significantly Bugs Per 1000 LoC
2011-09-22 Java EE, Integration Tests And "Aliens May Help You" - Free Article
2011-09-19 Reading A File Into A String - With A Single Line And JDK 1.6+
2011-09-08 Java Is #1 In OpenSource &#8230;And Still Climbing
2011-09-07 How To Configure Java EE 6+ Applications ...Without XML
2011-09-06 Java EE Gems In NetBeans 7--Milliseconds Incremental Deployment
2011-09-02 Java EE Gems In NetBeans 7--Setup And Installation
2011-08-29 Autumn Java EE Workshops, Sessions and Events
2011-08-27 Why it is important to choose a #1 language for an enterprise project
2011-08-26 Java Is #1 &#8230;and Still Climbing
2011-08-23 Myths, Oracles and Mockitos--How To Unit Test Java EE 6 Applications (Free Article)
2011-08-18 How To Push Java EE 6 Applications To The Cloud In 5 Minutes
2011-08-17 NetBeans 7 Git Plugin--Small Update, Huge Impact
2011-08-14 Ride The Lightning: Java EE 6 Server JBoss 7 - A Smoke Test
2011-08-13 My JavaOne 2011 (S.F) Java EE Sessions
2011-08-13 Reading A File Into A List - With JDK 1.7 &#8230;And Without Streams
2011-08-09 Reading A File Into A String - With JDK 1.7
2011-08-02 Searching For Suspicious (Superfluous) Interfaces With IntelliJ
2011-07-29 Resource Injection With Java EE 6 - Free Article In Java Magazine
2011-07-25 Speaking About Cool Stuff At JavaOne 2011 in San Francisco
2011-07-24 The Most Superfluous JavaDoc Comment
2011-07-18 Swing Looks ...Great!: NetBeans 7 (IDE + RCP) With New Synthetica L&F
2011-07-14 JBoss AS 7 Is Out - With Java EE 6 Support
2011-07-13 WebSphere V8.0 - Another Java EE 6 Application Server Released
2011-07-10 OSGi: Not Easy to Use. Not as Productive as it Should Be
2011-07-07 Summer Java EE 6 (With A Little Bit 7) Events
2011-07-04 A Great Place To Start With Java and Java EE
2011-06-29 Migration To Java EE 6 With Spring 3 - ...Could Become "Interesting"
2011-06-27 Unit Test Is Not Integration Test
2011-06-24 Don't use JPA's RESOURCE_LOCAL on the server
2011-06-20 Maven 3 Milliseconds Deployment ...with NetBeans 7 and Java EE 6
2011-06-15 @Inject With Package-Private Fields Only, Or Harmful Accessors
2011-06-10 How To Reuse Java EE 6 WAR Code With Maven (3)
2011-06-08 A Natural Separation of JUnit Tests in Maven (3)
2011-06-06 When JAX-WS Passes And Returns NULL
2011-06-02 Performance Tuning, JSR-269, RCP, What's New in NetBeans 7 and Java EE 6 Hacking - Or *FREE* NetBeans Day In Munich
2011-06-01 Real World Java EE Night Hacks Interview and Future of Java EE
2011-05-31 @Singleton - The Simplest Possible JMX MXBean
2011-05-28 @Singleton - The Perfect Cache Facade
2011-05-26 Kickstarting Real World Java EE 6 Projects With Maven 3
2011-05-25 Resin - Is Java EE 6 WebProfile Certified
2011-05-15 Real World Java EE Night Hacks--Dissecting the Business Tier Book and Project
2011-05-11 A Single Line of Code Which Keeps Your REST/Hessian/HTTP Client State
2011-05-08 JAX Craziness, SkyPilots, Sun Java Studio 1.0 and Show Me Your index.html
2011-05-08 NetBeans 7 + git - A Smoke Test
2011-05-06 2.0 ...Rocks!
2011-05-04 Real World Java EE Night Hacks--Dissecting the Business Tier - Available On Kindle
2011-04-12 Contexts and Dependency Injection in Java EE 6 - Free Article
2011-04-07 Ruby on Rails Was Supposed To Kill Java... Now Twitter Kills Rails
2011-04-01 James Gosling Is Working For Google
2011-03-18 Vegas, Casino, Bandits, Police and Some Loot - No Slides Java EE 6 Session at TSSJS
2011-03-14 Java EE 6 Sessions, Workshops, JUGs, Summits and Hacks
2011-03-10 Swing Looks ...Great! - New Theme For Synthetica
2011-03-09 Final Method Parameters Should Generate Compiler Warnings...
2011-03-03 James Gosling On Elastic BeansTalk, NetBeans, Eclipse and Glassfish
2011-02-25 Can Stateful Java EE 6 Apps Scale? - Another Question Of The Week
2011-02-24 How Big Is An Java Object?
2011-02-23 JavaFX 2 Availability, OpenSource, JDK 1.7, No AWT and New Plugin - Some Official Information
2011-02-22 How To Achieve 80% Code Coverage Fast And Painlessly - In Four Steps
2011-02-21 Hello JavaFX 2! - A TableView Component
2011-02-19 Some Interesting Java EE 6 Architecture Questions - With Answers
2011-02-17 Some Java EE 6 Hacking, Patterns and Best Practices in Las Vegas
2011-02-14 Hello JavaFX 2! - Back To Java
2011-02-13 JavaOne 2011 Wish List
2011-02-12 Is Chuck Norris Really That Great Java Developer?
2011-02-12 Java EE 6 Makes NetBeans Even Leaner - New Java EE Bundle Available
2011-02-09 Dependency Injection Performance in Java EE 6: Dependent (easy) vs ApplicationScoped ("optimized")
2011-02-08 Six Essential Java EE 6 Annotations - Sufficient For CRUD
2011-02-07 Simplest Possible POJO Injection Example With Java EE 6
2011-02-06 Useful JSF 2 / CDI Table Generation Wizard in NetBeans
2011-02-04 Java FX 2.0 - The Installation, Doc and Launch Experience - A Smoke Test
2011-02-03 SuperComputing For Everyone - A Desktop Cray
2011-01-30 TwitterPizza, DukeMugs and eTradr - Three Java EE 6 Sold Out Hacks
2011-01-24 Debugging Field Injection With NetBeans - Another Reason To Delete Setters
2011-01-22 Palinca Distillery, No Draculas, Java EE 6 And NotEnoughChairsException
2011-01-15 65k Celsius In Winter, 5 Annotations, Java FX 2 And Re-Inventing The Wheel
2011-01-13 Free Java EE 6 Event At The OOP Conference In Munich
2011-01-09 Bringing Some Java EE To The Vampires
2011-01-08 Java EE 6 - The Most Popular Thing In 2010
2011-01-05 Real Time Java EE 6 Hacking - From 0 To Something Deployable (Unfortunately Without Spring)
2011-01-04 Simplicity By Design With Java EE 6 - Free Article
2011-01-03 The Popularity Of Java EE 6 In China Or Java EE 6 At JavaOne Beijing
2011-01-03 JBoss 6 with Java EE 6 Support Is Released
2011-01-03 Happy Holidays From Oracle ...With Duke, ExaLogic And Linux Penguin
2011-01-03 Swing Looks ...Great (Part VIII Cezanne)
2011-01-03 J2EE Is Dead - Completely Dead
2011-01-03 Swing Looks ...Great (Part VI macwidgets)
2011-01-03 Pets And Aliens Running On Java EE 6 - Recorded At Devoxx
2011-01-03 Swing Looks ...Great (Part IV NetBeans)
2010-11-30 Swing Looks ...Great (Part III Nimbus)
2010-11-29 Swing Looks ...Great (Part II - Substance)
2010-11-28 Swing Looks ...Great!
2010-11-26 Useful Maven Repository Viewer In NetBeans
2010-11-24 Live Java EE 6 Hacking JavaOne China / Beijing
2010-11-20 Pets And Aliens In A Cinema Or Attendee Overflow At Devoxx
2010-11-17 W-JAX Day One - 75 Minutes Hacking, Xtreme Scaling, Dead Patterns and Strange Approaches
2010-11-16 W-JAX Day Zero - Java EE 6 Workshop, 110 Attendees or Building A Ticketing System
2010-11-12 Apple Joins openJDK, and Java FX on Lion?
2010-11-03 Java EE 6 Servers Are Too Small, Or Why Some Are Bloated
2010-11-02 Tomcat On Steroids (with EJB 3) = Apache TomTom
2010-11-01 Seamless Terminal Integration NetBeans 6.9.1
2010-10-31 MineCraft - A Popular Game Written In Java
2010-10-26 Java EE 6 Server Resin 4.0.12 - A Smoke Test
2010-10-24 GlassFish, WebLogic and Oracle's Commitment
2010-10-23 Steve Jobs At JavaOne, Mac OS X and Java
2010-10-23 How To Choose A Java EE Application Server? (Mail Of The Week)
2010-10-20 Trouble With Crippled Java EE 6 APIs in Maven Repository And The Solution
2010-10-19 WebSphere Application Server Version 8.0 Beta Speaks Java EE 6
2010-10-18 First Impression And Smoke Test Of Java EE 6 Tomcat 7 Based Server SIwpas
2010-10-16 The First OSGi Book And Server - From The Year...
2010-10-11 Java EE 6 Conversation / Glassfish Podcast Part 2
2010-10-11 Service s = new ServiceImpl() - Why You Are Doing That?
2010-10-10 Features I Missed In NetBeans 6.8, came with 6.9
2010-10-09 Java EE 6 xor Spring
2010-10-09 Java EE 6, JBoss 6 (is it usable?) And The Server Smoke Test
2010-10-05 Why EJB 3.1 And CDI Are Good Java EE 6 Friends
2010-10-04 Spontaneous Interview / Java EE 6 Podcast
2010-10-02 Definition Of Lightweight-ness (First Iteration)
2010-10-01 Your Application Is *Not* Lightweight If:
2010-09-29 Java EE 6 (CDI / EJB 3.1) XOR Spring Core Reloaded
2010-09-24 JavaONE 10 Afterglow - A List Of Thoughts, Surprises And Back To Moscone
2010-09-21 JavaOne Day 0-1: GlassFish, NetBeans, Java FX - Short Summary
2010-09-21 JavaOne2010: Lightweight Java EE 6, Hacking Heavyweight Heating Systems, and a Java EE 6 Session Without Slides
2010-09-15 How To Deal With Interfaces In Java EE 6 (or no more Impl)
2010-09-14 CDI With Or Without EJB 3.1
2010-09-13 7 Hours, 57 Attendees, No Slides, One IDE and Lot Of Fun With Java EE 6
2010-09-11 My JavaOne Sessions - And Interactive Java EE 6 Hacking Without Slides
2010-09-09 A Simple Transactional File JCA 1.5 Connector (4 Classes / 2 Reusable)
2010-09-05 JavaOne Sessions Schedule Completed - First Impression, Some Criticism
2010-08-30 Hacking Bookstore in a Bookstore ...with Java EE 6 - FREE JUG Session
2010-08-18 Mail Of The Week: What I Can And Cannot Do With Java EE 6
2010-08-12 What Is The Value Of A Software Architect?
2010-08-04 JUGs, Un-Workshops, No-Slides Sessions, Interactive Hackings ...with Java EE 6 (the lightweight stuff)
2010-08-02 Why stateful and local anti-facades are KISS
2010-07-08 A Day In Paris (JUG) With Java EE 6
2010-06-25 Java FX CSS Reference Available
2010-06-21 EJB 3.1 + Hessian = (Almost) Perfect Binary Remoting
2010-06-14 A French And Free Java EE 6 Week - Some Slides, More Code
2010-05-08 How Popular Is Actually Java EE 6?
2010-04-18 Gosling's Thoughts On "Next" - Oracle, Lawyers And Fun
2010-04-15 SOA Is Not Dead - Deutsche Bahn (DB) Is Highly Decoupled, HA, Service Oriented and Implementation Agnostic
2010-04-13 Upcoming Java EE 6 "Kill The Bloat" Workshops
2010-04-11 GlassFish will be Killed, Closed Source, Children's Edition And The Official Response
2010-04-10 James Gosling Leaves Oracle
2010-04-09 Compact Attribute Declaration In Java
2010-04-06 Jigsaw is Enough, Future of Enterprise Java, Too Late For Java EE 6 and Crazy J2EE ...with Spring - or - The Best Of March
2010-04-04 The Apache Software Foundation Receives Approval for Sale to Oracle Corporation
2010-03-30 Java FX Event Platform, Video Streaming - Nice App
2010-03-28 Jigsaw in JDK 1.7 / EJB 3.1 Timer / Useful Object Pooling - or The Best of February
2010-03-27 Killer Dream Teams
2010-03-26 Is JavaFX Ready For The Enterprise? or Why Should You Care (11 questions and answers)
2010-03-23 Crazy J2EE World - With Spring On Top
2010-03-22 Future Of Enterprise Java ...Is Clear (Java EE with/without Spring and Vice Versa)
2010-03-21 NetBeans RCP Development in ...Java FX
2010-03-19 Java EE 6 Is Nice, But It Is Too Late....
2010-03-18 Which Deployment Option Would You Use For a Mission Critical Application?
2010-03-17 Sun - Oracle / Java FX Composer/ Java EE 6 For Lazy Developers - Best Of January
2010-03-15 Legally Starting Threads/Synchronizing EJBs - Hell Or Heaven
2010-03-14 Free Java EE 6 Workshop - For Students In Bonn
2010-03-11 Modules, Cycles, Unwanted Friends - The Modularity Challenges In Enterprise Projects
2010-03-08 How To Kill An OSGi Project - With 10 Questions
2010-03-07 Killing Some Bloat in Gothenburg - With Java EE 6
2010-03-06 What Is ?
2010-03-05 Best of 2009 - Most Popular Posts (Dead DAOs, Bloat Without EJBs, Java EE vs. Spring, VOs vs. DTOs)
2010-02-28 Oracle Data Sheet About ...Glassfish
2010-02-26 Motivation Over Experience
2010-02-26 Jigsaw / JDK 1.7 will be the solution for 80% of the modularization challenges
2010-02-22 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 Timer - Configured Programmatically
2010-02-19 Spring vs. Vanilla Java EE, Real World Java EE Workshop and The Perfect Storm
2010-02-13 Java FX App on the official winter olympics site
2010-02-10 Glassfish v3 in an (opensolaris) zone interesting error and solution
2010-02-09 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 Timer
2010-02-07 bad pbr sig - and a simple solution
2010-02-06 is dead - long live kenai (under different name)
2010-02-02 Object Pooling Can Be Still Useful - For Entirely Different Reasons
2010-01-31 Free JUG Session In Hamburg - Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices
2010-01-28 Sun + Oracle, NetBeans, Glassfish, JavaOne and the Death of Kenai
2010-01-27 JDeveloper vs. NetBeans - The Poll Results
2010-01-22 Sun + Oracle = Snorcle?
2010-01-21 Sun And Oracle - The Deal Is Approved
2010-01-21 My Opinion About Java FX
2010-01-15 Do We Need Stateless Session Bean Pooling?
2010-01-14 If your Glassfish v2.1 won't start...
2010-01-13 JavaONE 2010? Seems Like It Will Take Place.
2010-01-11 What is the difference between pooling and caching?
2010-01-10 NetBeans Is Very Poplular In Germany - Only 4 % Behind Eclipse
2010-01-09 A Good 12 Minutes, NetBeans 6.8 Editor Screencast
2010-01-08 Java EE 6 And The JCP Stuff - Perfect For Lazy Developers
2010-01-07 What Is The Relation Between JSR-299 and JSR-330 In Java EE 6? Do We Need Two DI APIs?
2010-01-06 Top 5 Posts Of November - NetBeans 6.8, Sudden Death of Enterprise Projects, Jigsaw And Java EE 6 Kilobyte Deployment
2010-01-05 Looking Back: 2009 From An Independent Consultant Perspective
2010-01-02 A Nice WebStart-able (Java) Image Viewer
2009-12-31 Some Screenshots Of The JavaFX Composer Tool
2009-12-30 I'm a "Most Valuable Blogger" (MVB) at!
2009-12-29 Why You Should File Bugs - The Glassfish Case
2009-12-28 W-JAX 2009 Sessions And Workshop Evaluation Results
2009-12-24 Five Features That Make NetBeans 6.8 My IDE of Choice
2009-12-22 The Perfect Christmas Gift - From The Strategic Perspective
2009-12-20 Why You Should File Bugs - The NetBeans Case
2009-12-18 EJB 3.1 Killed The Backing Beans Or JSF 2, EJB 3.1, JSR-330 - The Perfect Synergy
2009-12-17 Java EE 6 Observer Pattern / Events With CDI (JSR-299/JSR-330) and EJB 3.1
2009-12-16 9 Reasons Why Java EE 6 Will Save Real Money - Or How To Convince Your Management
2009-12-15 Java FX Composer / Designer for NetBeans 6.8 - First Smoke Test
2009-12-14 NetBeans 6.8 Java FX Editor For Production? - First Smoke Test
2009-12-13 New Free Java EE 6 Tutorial And Screencast
2009-12-12 NetBeans Is Doing Well In The IDEs QuickVote
2009-12-11 Java FX Composer / Designer for NetBeans 6.8 - First Screenshots and Tutorial
2009-12-10 Glassfish v3 - The Killer Java EE 6 Appserver Is Out - Top Ten Favorites
2009-12-09 Java EE 6 / EJB 3.1 / JSF 2.0 WAR Modularization With Maven - Concrete Sample
2009-12-08 Is Java EE 6 War The New EAR? The Pragmatic Modularization And Packaging
2009-12-07 JSF 1.X Backing Bean - EJB 3 Dependency Injection, (Glassfish) "Problem" and Solution
2009-12-03 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 + JSR-299/JSR-330 Combination
2009-12-02 NetBeans 6.8 RC1 - Useful Improvements, New REST Wizard, @Inject available
2009-11-29 The "Two Minutes To Midnight" Strategy In Software Development
2009-11-23 Modularization (Jigsaw), Multi-Catch And Probably Closures Will Make Into JDK 1.7
2009-11-19 Are Naming Conventions For JUnit 4+ Still Needed?
2009-11-17 Upcoming (2009-2010) Java EE 5/6 Workshops and Events - Some Free
2009-11-16 ...and the Adoption Of EJB 3 / Java EE is:
2009-11-14 Best Of October - JSF Without EJB = Bloat (17k), JSF 2 with NB 6.8 (10k), NB Features (7k)
2009-11-13 Java EE 6 Kills The WAR-Bloat - The KiloByte Deployment
2009-11-11 How To Pass Context Between Layers With ThreadLocal And EJB 3.(1)
2009-11-10 Fire And Forget. Without JMS. With EJB 3.1 and 8KB WAR File
2009-11-04 Useful Production And Development Glassfish v3 JMS Monitoring Capabilities
2009-11-03 Sudden Death Of Enterprise Projects?
2009-11-02 How To Expose And Inject A POJO ...Into An EJB 3
2009-10-30 Oracle's Official NetBeans, Glassfish, VirtualBox Plans
2009-10-29 Two Amazing NetBeans 6.8Beta Features
2009-10-28 HA Without Clustering?
2009-10-27 Is Glassfish v3 Ready For Production?
2009-10-26 Upcoming (2009-2010) Java EE 5/6 Workshops and Events - Some Free
2009-10-22 Loading Lazy (JPA) Relations - With (J)Xpath
2009-10-16 IntelliJ ( Is OpenSource - Use It For Free!
2009-10-14 How To Pass Context In Standard Way - Without ThreadLocal
2009-10-13 RESTFul Calculator With JavaScript And ...EJB 3.1
2009-10-12 Best Of September - Oracle And NetBeans (19k) And Java EE Or .NET (13k)
2009-10-11 What Is JavaOne? (it is not the conference, but compatible)
2009-10-10 NetBeans 6.8 m2 - Some Cool + Lightweight Java EE 6 Stuff
2009-10-03 Geek Funeral In A SPARCStation
2009-10-02 JSF 2 + JPA 2 + EJB 3.1 Scaffolding With Netbeans 6.8 in 3 Steps - And The Code Is Even Usable
2009-10-01 (JSF + JPA) - EJB = Bloat
2009-09-30 Will Moores Law Kill Public Clouds?
2009-09-29 Does HTTPSession, Stateful Session Bean Replication / Clustering Actually Work In The Practice?
2009-09-28 Embedding EJB 3.1 Container Into Your Unit Tests - Boot Time: 5 Seconds
2009-09-27 For Private Clouds / Commercial Offerings? The Guerilla Infrastructure 1.0
2009-09-26 Ellison: Oracle won't spin off MySQL
2009-09-25 No Duplication, No Decoupling - The Generic Data Transfer Object
2009-09-24 How To Remove All .svn Files With An One-Liner (Bash)
2009-09-23 Building Perfect Anti-Facades - Almost Without Layers, For Better Maintainability
2009-09-22 The Only Reason To Use Curly Brackets Blocks For IF-Statements
2009-09-21 Abstract, If, Impl, Default, Bean Conventions - Just For Lazy Developers
2009-09-20 Glassfish At Oracle World OpenWorld Conference
2009-09-20 Wicket 1.4, Too many path parts... Exception, Reason And Workaround
2009-09-19 How To Install Oracle JDeveloper (with Java EE support) On Snow Leopard
2009-09-14 Are Naming Conventions Still Needed For Abstract Classes?
2009-09-13 Sun And Oracle To Announce FlashFire
2009-09-11 NetBeans Got An Excellent toString Generator
2009-09-10 The Oracle Message To IBM is Clear
2009-09-10 Java EE or .NET - An Almost Unbiased Opinion
2009-09-09 Best Of August - The Best Month Ever, VOs vs DTOs (16K) And Evil DTOs (10k)
2009-09-07 Rethinking Java EE Best Practices - On The Road
2009-09-05 Two Useful Eclipse 3.5 Features, Which I Miss in Netbeans 6.8
2009-09-05 Why Oracle Should Continue To Push NetBeans
2009-08-30 JAK - The Java API For KML - was opensourced
2009-08-29 JDK 1.5 Is End Of Service Life (EOSL) - Soon
2009-08-28 Which Of These Is Your Favorite Java IDE ?
2009-08-28 Java (EE) (JUG) Events in Zurich, Dresden, Hamburg and Darmstadt
2009-08-27 Decoupling Between Functional Units (Components) Is A Must If:
2009-08-26 Does Loose Coupling Always Result In Code Duplication?
2009-08-24 Netbeans 6.8m1 + Wicket - First Smoke Test
2009-08-22 You Should Start With This IT-Interview Question
2009-08-21 We Are Done With Layers - Now Start With Plugins
2009-08-20 The Best Way To Learn Java ...With Robots
2009-08-19 Value Object vs. Data Transfer Object (VO vs. DTO)
2009-08-18 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 Singleton - Injected Into Servlet 3.0, WAR Deployment
2009-08-16 Schizophrenia Driven Design - Unit Testing
2009-08-16 Interesting Article About JPA 2.0 Locking And Concurrency
2009-08-16 Recession - Perfect Times For EJBs - The Support Issue
2009-08-15 Fast + Convenient Way To Create Glassfish v3/v2 Connection Pools / Data Sources
2009-08-14 So, You Want To Start With Java EE? ...Some Excellent Books To Read
2009-08-13 Simplest Possible JSF 2 / EJB 3.1 / JPA Component - With WAR Deployment
2009-08-12 Some Interesting #kenai Projects - From 3D Simulation To REST-Cloud
2009-08-11 EJB 3.1 - and Is There Still Room For POJOs?
2009-08-11 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 / REST (JSR-311) Component
2009-08-10 Is VMWare buying SpringSource?
2009-08-10 Upcoming Java EE 5/6 Workshops and Events - Some Free
2009-08-09 Five Days With Netbeans6.8m1, JSF20, EJB31, Maven and Glassfish v2/v3 ...And The Result
2009-08-08 Best Of July - The Best Month Ever, Java EE vs. Spring (16k) and Where Is M. Jackson?
2009-08-05 How evil are Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)?
2009-08-05 DAOs Aren't Dead - But They Either Collapsed Or Disappeared
2009-08-04 To Layer, Or Not To Layer, This Is The Question...
2009-08-04 Netbeans 6.8m1 - The (lightweight) Java EE 6 IDE
2009-08-04 What Is Faster: Parsing a java.util.Properties Or Invoking Class#getAnnotation()?
2009-08-04 EJB 3.1 BeanLocator - When Dependency Injection Is Not Enough
2009-08-03 Injecting Different Implementations Into An EJB 3 - Killing Factories
2009-08-02 Java The Most Popular Language - ActionScript Is Followed By Fortran And Cobol
2009-08-01 Most Popular, Free, Multiplayer Game ...Is An Applet
2009-07-31 Where Are Project Group Settings Stored In Netbeans 6.7/6.5?
2009-07-30 How To Integrate JIRA With Netbeans 6.7.1 in Three Steps?
2009-07-28 Netbeans 6.7.1 with Java FX 1.2 Support - First Test
2009-07-27 @Stateless Lifecycle- in 3. Steps, As Simple As You Can Get
2009-07-27 EJB 3.0 and "Legacy" POJOs - deploying Swing's TableModel as Session Bean
2009-07-26 Java EE and where is the real bloat?
2009-07-25 Programming Languages And Productivity Are Like German Highways
2009-07-24 Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Book Is Available on eBay
2009-07-23 Simplest Possible, Annotation-Less EJB 3.1
2009-07-22 Is JavaONE Only Good For Socializing?
2009-07-22 Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices Podcast @JavaONE
2009-07-21 First Indicators of Overengineering in Your Project
2009-07-21 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 Interceptor - If You Love XML
2009-07-20 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1 Interceptor
2009-07-19 Simplest Possible EJB 3.1
2009-07-18 Premature Encapsulation Is the Root Of All Evil
2009-07-18 How To Fix The FXEvaluator On Java FX 1.2 and JDK 1.6
2009-07-16 In-Memory Java DB - Perfect For JPA-Unit testing
2009-07-14 Was Michael Jackson A Java Developer With JSON Expertise?
2009-07-13 How To Kill A SOA Project - Or What Questions To Ask First Your Client
2009-07-13 JavaOne Is Forcing Me To Start Practice "Smoke On The Water" Again
2009-07-12 15 Tips on JPA Rich Domain Modelling - Thinking In Objects - Not Mappings [For Greenfields]
2009-07-12 12 Tips On JPA Domain Modelling - With Existing Database - Thinking In Structs Not Objects
2009-07-12 Best Of June - The Best Month Ever with Real World Java EE Patterns as Top Post (15k)
2009-07-11 XP Programming Conferences Seem To Be Real Fun
2009-07-10 First Month With, Or It Is Easier To Create A Project, Than To Delete It, Some Feedback
2009-07-09 How To Unify Errorhandling in EJB 3 Message Driven Beans
2009-07-07 Will EJB 3.1 Kill Java Interfaces?
2009-07-07 A Good Architecture Is All About Probability - Or It Is Sufficient To Be Good Enough
2009-07-07 Interceptors (EJB 3) For Absolute Beginners - Or Pragmatic AOP in 2 Minutes (without XML :-))
2009-07-06 Lean Java EE 6 Without Spring And Spring 3.0 In Java EE 6 World: Summary and Conclusion (eJug Session)
2009-07-02 How To Debug Unit Tests In Netbeans 6.7
2009-06-30 Netbeans 6.7 (prev. Netbeans 7.0) - For Clouds - Detailed Overview
2009-06-29 Generic CRUD Service aka DAO - EJB 3.1/0 Code - Only If You Really Needed
2009-06-29 Netbeans 6.7 (prev. Netbeans 7.0) Is Ready To Download
2009-06-29 EJB 3.1 And REST - The Lightweight Hybrid
2009-06-28 Glassfish Is Gaining Momentum - A Study
2009-06-26 Unit Testing EJB 3.1 ...When 0.8 Seconds Are Too Long [SOURCE CODE INCLUDED]
2009-06-25 How To Unit-Test EJB 3 0.8 Seconds [source code included]
2009-06-22 Beans With Both Views (@Local And @Remote) - An Anti Pattern?
2009-06-20 Written In The Clouds, Published With The Cloud and Pushed Into The Cloud
2009-06-19 ServiceFacade In Greater Detail - and Some EJB 3 Code
2009-06-17 Free and Nice Netbeans and Glassfish RSS(News) Reader For the iPhone and iTouch
2009-06-11 Eager Loading Problem - Closed My Linked In Account
2009-06-08 openEJB, JBoss and Glassfish - Interesting New Features (JavaOne afterglow)
2009-06-01 JavaONE Day -1 Update, Glassfish Unconference and Unparty @ThirstyBear
2009-05-30 12h non-stop hacking 3rd edition, Glassfish BOF Participation - JavaONE 2009 will be great
2009-05-29 JAX 2009 Session And Workshop Evaluations
2009-05-28 First Glance At JBoss 5.1 GA Admin Console - And Glassfish v2.1 Comparison
2009-05-27 Glassfish v2/v3 and Real World Java EE Patterns @JavaONE 2009 - Free Sessions
2009-05-25 GreenFire (FX) - Java EE / Java FX Case Study at JavaONE
2009-05-19 Netbeans 6.7 Beta + Maven = Heaven (more than promising)
2009-05-15 Tweet Of The Week - Featuring Kent Beck
2009-05-13 "Lean Service / Domain Driven Components with Java EE 6 - without Spring" - Free JUG Session
2009-05-11 Java FX Plugin For Eclipse By JBoss - Some Screenshots
2009-05-09 A Day At GeeCon Or With Java FX in Cinema
2009-05-06 Spring + Guice + JSR-299 = Just Good Friends?
2009-04-29 13 Certified Java EE 5 Servers, and 30 Vendors Licensed Java EE
2009-04-28 Oracle Makes the Glassfish Modification in WLS available
2009-04-28 JAX 2009, 1 h Java EE Hacking, Interactive Keynote, Patterns Annihilation - Crowded Workshop
2009-04-27 How To Fix The libs.CopyLibs.classpath Problem in Netbeans 6.5
2009-04-26 How to be Java Guru without knowing Java (at least in meetings)
2009-04-25 List Of Free Java Decompilers
2009-04-20 Oracle and Sun - The Official FAQ
2009-04-16 Looking Into CVS of 10 Years of Netbeans in 5 Minutes
2009-04-15 Lean service architectures with Java EE 6 - And EJB 3 in particular
2009-04-14 April 2009: Java Still The Most Popular Programming Language
2009-04-10 A Nice Trading / Charting, Opensource Applet
2009-04-06 Sun And IBM - More Details In Wall Street Journal
2009-04-06 IBM and Sun - is the deal over?
2009-04-03 Best Of March 2009 - 25k Views Of EJB 3 / Java EE 5 Post
2009-04-02 Perfect architecture: and there is nothing left for deletion
2009-04-01 Glassfish EM Performance Monitor - First Smoke Test
2009-03-29 Useful, Free And Comprehensive OpenOffice 3.0 (Writer) Guide - Almost Book
2009-03-27 Lean Apps with Java EE 5 And Patterns Next Week In Hamburg
2009-03-25 The List Of Certified Java EE 5 Servers
2009-03-24 CommunityOne West (San Francisco) Session "2 Years of Glassfish in Development And Production - …and still excited?" was Accepted
2009-03-23 Mini Netbeans Quicktip - Setting The User Name Globally For All Templates
2009-03-22 OOP Session Transscript as (German) Article in Computerwoche "Building Dream Teams"
2009-03-21 Java EE 5 + 6 Application In 50 Minutes - Free Video Online
2009-03-21 What You Can Build In 50 Minutes With Java EE 5/6?
2009-03-20 CommunityOne East (New York City) Afterglow
2009-03-18 Interesting announcement: Glassfish V3 Can Run On Equinox
2009-03-18 I'm Cold, No Sleep, New Machine, New OS, New Netbeans, New Glassfish, Experimental Features - The Perfect Day To Give a Talk
2009-03-17 Are EJB Naming Conventions Still Needed?
2009-03-16 GreenFire FX? Let See - my JavaONE Session Is Visible in the Content Catalog Now
2009-03-13 If You Are An Java EE (at least EJB) Consultant - You Should Not Rely On Crisis To Have Vacations...
2009-03-13 EJB 3 And Guice - Just Good Friends
2009-03-10 What Is
2009-03-09 What You Can Build In 5 Minutes With Java EE 6 - ...and experimental features
2009-03-06 CommunityOne New York City - And The Title Of My Session Was Slightly Changed
2009-03-05 Workshop (Tomorrow): From Bare OS To Lightweight Java EE 5/6 Application With Patterns And Best Practices
2009-03-04 Best Of February 2009
2009-03-03 Netbeans 6.7m2 aka 7.0, The Magic Switch, GF v3 EA, The 40ms EJB Deployment And The Fat Container
2009-03-02 Killing Some Myths And Tales in Krakow ...4Developers - The Biggest Conference In JavaLand
2009-02-28 Netbeans 6.7m2 - L&F Totally Refurbished On Mac - A Screenshot
2009-02-27 EJB 3.1, JAX-RS, Java FX, Glassfish v2/3 and Embedded Systems - JavaONE 2009 Session approved
2009-02-26 Java EE - The Perfect Platform For Cloud Computing
2009-02-23 Java FX (Script) And Why It Is Intriguing - Especially For Java Developers, Not Only Designers
2009-02-21 Lean Enterprise Architectures Workshop In Darmstadt ...Almost Without Java EE
2009-02-20 100.000.000 JavaFX Runtime Downloads - Is It Ubiquitous Now?
2009-02-19 Should JPA Entities Contain Business Logic? ...Why Not?
2009-02-18 No Slides, Just Code - Looking Forward To CommunityOne - The New York Edition
2009-02-17 Maven vs. Ant
2009-02-16 ...And Finally, You Should Introduce A DAO If:
2009-02-11 1 Million Rows In A JTable - Or How To Convince C++ Developers
2009-02-10 Sun's Q2 Financial Results Insight - Java Seems To Grow...
2009-02-07 Killing The Bloat - Pragmatic Java EE 6+ Architectures For The Web - Speaking At WebTech Exchange in London
2009-02-06 JCA, Distributed, Transactional Collections, 2 Minutes And 363 kB
2009-02-04 (Asynchronous :-)) AJAX/RESTFul Java EE Integration With Glassfish And Others - Installation And Smoke Test (with GF v2)
2009-02-02 Most Popular Entries In January (>10k Views) - The Best Month Ever!
2009-02-01 Cool Applet - Starts In Less Than 1 Second (with JDK 1.6u11)
2009-01-30 Netbeans 6.5 - From "Zero" To A Better Alternative
2009-01-29 Netbeans 6.5 + IceFaces - And Where Is The Calendar Icon?
2009-01-28 SOA + Soft Skills - OOP Conference Afterglow
2009-01-26 This Week At OOP - Two Almost Java-Free Talks
2009-01-26 Netbeans 6.5: Porting Woodstock To IceFaces. Small Bug, Big Impact, Easy Solution
2009-01-25 QuickTip: When Netbeans 6.5 Starts And Freezes Or Becomes Suddenly Slow
2009-01-23 EJB 3(1) - So, How Portable Is Actually This Stuff In The Practice?
2009-01-21 0.5k Posts, 1.3k Comments, Meeting Interesting People, One Book - Or 2.5 Years of Blogging
2009-01-20 78m completed downloads of Java SE 6u11 in December
2009-01-19 In The Age Of DRYness - Do We Really Need Naming Conventions For Interfaces?
2009-01-17 Spring, EJB 3 (JSR-220) and 5 Times Netbeans (Product Of The Year) - The Winners Of
2009-01-16 3 Day Java EE 5 Hacking Workshop In Munich - With IceFaces, EJB 3, JPA, Patterns, Best Practices and Pragmatic Architectures
2009-01-15 Wicket 1.4rc1 + Netbeans 6.5 = The Dream Team
2009-01-15 Even Better (Java Independent) Interview Question
2009-01-10 ...And The PageRank Is...
2009-01-06 Mapping JPA Entities To SQL Views - It Works Even With Derby
2009-01-05 Netbeans 6.5 With Visual Ice Faces - Installation, Test, EJB 3 Integration, An Error And Solution
2009-01-04 Best Of / Most Popular Entries (>10k views) In This Blog
2009-01-03 Netbeans 6.5 Quicktip: Changing The Archive (EJB-JAR) Name, Deploying RARs
2009-01-02 Softskills and Other Semi-Serious Posts
2008-12-29 Toshiba Notebooks With OpenSolaris - The Java Workstation?
2008-12-27 Netbeans 6.5 Quicktip: Unit Tests And Profiler
2008-12-26 Netbeans 6.5 Screenshot (1.6u11 + Nimbus) With Visual Form Designer
2008-12-25 Trying To Launch Preinstalled Vista On ThinkPad SL500 - Ending Up With...
2008-12-24 XMas Wishlist For Netbeans 6.5+ (7.0) - Or The Last Steps To Perfect Java EE IDE
2008-12-23 Nebeans 6.5 On Vista with Nimbus Screenshot (with UML Plugin)
2008-12-22 Nebeans 6.5 On Vista with Nimbus in 10 Seconds - Looks Even Better
2008-12-20 JAX 2009 in Mainz - Some Talks and a Workshop Approved
2008-12-19 Java Performance Comparison Ubuntu vs. Vista
2008-12-17 "Meta-Search" - Auto Completion in The Search Box in Netbeans 6.5
2008-12-16 Generating DROP TABLES for ORACLE - One Statement
2008-12-15 Google Trends - Seems Like Netbeans IDE became As Popular As Eclipse IDE
2008-12-14 I asked: "Do You Love EJBs?" @Devoxx and...
2008-12-13 Devoxx aka JavaPolis Afterglow - 4h, One Talk, Meeting Friends
2008-12-12 The Funniest Under Construction Page I Ever Saw
2008-12-11 Looking Forward To JavaPolis aka Devoxx and speaking about: EJB 3.1 - From Legacy To Secret Weapon
2008-12-07 Java Update Process - Huge Step Forward
2008-12-03 Netbeans 6.5: Nice "Hidden" Feature In The SQL Explorer
2008-12-02 Your Architecture Starts To Be Sub-Optimal If:
2008-11-29 Save The Date, December 4th 2008 - And Wait For Java FX 1.0
2008-11-29 Top Eight, Non Java, Netbeans 6.5 Features
2008-11-27 Six Swing Lies:
2008-11-26 Swing Is Especially Effective If:
2008-11-24 Netbeans 6.5 Is Out - And I'm Not Very Excited [RC 2 was too good...]
2008-11-23 Glassfish v3 Prelude Ready For Production?
2008-11-11 Java EE 5/6 in German Museum
2008-11-05 Eclipse RCP vs. Netbeans RCP - and what really counts
2008-10-29 EJB 3 - From Legacy To Secret Weapon
2008-10-27 Danzig Band and City, Netbeans 6.5 rc1 on Vista, Xtreme Makeover, Restful and Beeing Doomed to Present the Basics
2008-10-26 2 NB Dreamers, 2 Sun Engineers, One Car - or Testing Netbeans 6.5rc1 EE in Real Time During Presentation
2008-10-24 Two Days With Netbeans 6.5rc1 and Glassfish v2ur2 in Production - And No Risk No Fun at Netbeans Days
2008-10-18 The JDD Conference - "PolandONE" :-) is over - From Scala over Spy Testing To Distributed Caches
2008-10-10 Glassfish v3 Prelude b28 - The EJB 3.1 Bloatware?
2008-10-08 Productive Java EE 6 - Rethinking Best Practices, Planned For San Jose, Takes Place in Krakow (JDD) ...and Netbeans Days, or Poland the "Java Land"?
2008-09-22 My Top 3 "No XML" Frameworks
2008-09-17 Java EE 6 And Rethinking - JUG HH Afterglow
2008-09-14 How Big Is Actually The EJB 3.1 Container In Glassfish v3? - Because EJBs are Hevyweight, It Has to be Huge...
2008-09-13 Missing ctrl+space Autocompletion in ...Word
2008-09-11 EJB 3.X ...the Consultants Killer
2008-09-10 Free Session: Productive Java EE 6 - Rethinking The Patterns @JUG in Hamburg, Cluster One
2008-09-07 Diffing Files In Netbeans 6.5 - In Favourites, Without projects
2008-09-05 First Day With UMLKit On Netbeans 6.5
2008-09-04 Woodstock Runs Better On Chrome, Than On Firefox 3.0
2008-09-03 New UMLKit Available For Netbeans 6.5 - First Tests - Reverse Engineering Of EJB 3 Rocks
2008-09-02 Silent Death Of The Classic Marker Interface Pattern - Is Legacy?
2008-09-01 Productive Java EE Workshop - And Already 31 Registered Developers
2008-09-01 How Big Is The Entire EJB 3.1 API Needed To Compile Your Session Beans?
2008-08-28 Is SpringSource Working On EJB 3.1 Container?
2008-08-27 EJB3 - annotations vs xml - And Probability Driven Decision, Best Practices
2008-08-25 Do JPA Entities Have To Be
2008-08-21 Remote (IIOP) EJB 3 / JPA 1.0, No Think Time, 100 Virtual Users, 4-Way Machine, Glassfish v2u2 Clustered - ...and What is The Performance?
2008-08-20 Netbeans 6.5 beta - Useful Productivity Enhancements For Java EE, Missing Some Features As Well
2008-08-19 EJB 3 - Dead Or Alive ...very alive, See Quickvote Results
2008-08-18 An award-winning heating hack - GreenFire Interview @Ericsson Mobilityworld
2008-08-17 Absolute Beginner EJB 3 / JPA Series - the Essential Bootstraps And Background Information
2008-08-16 JShot - Useful Screen Capture Utility - Works With Java6u10, WebStart, Swing and Nimbus
2008-08-15 TimeLines, KeyFrames, Tweening - Useful JavaFX Screencast For Beginners
2008-08-14 Netbeans 6.5 Beta - And A Really Useful Feature
2008-08-13 The Irony Of Separation Of Concerns, Best Practices and Anti Patterns in Java EE
2008-08-08 How To Kill A SOA Project - It Started With A Post ...Looking Forward To The Talk At W-JAX
2008-08-03 First Night With JavaFX and Netbeans - First Impression, Some Smoke
2008-07-31 Useful Explanation: "iBATIS, Hibernate, and JPA: Which is right for you?", Strange Conclusion
2008-07-30 Pros and Cons of Modularization, Plugin Architectures and Other Techniques
2008-07-28 Netbeans 6.5m1 - accidentally in production for two and half weeks...
2008-07-26 "Designing The Boundary - Rich UI Meets Efficient Java EE" Workshop in Zurich
2008-07-25 Java Network Browser - Useful, Nice and WebStartable Swing Application
2008-07-24 Interested in Java 6, Java EE 5, EJB 3, JPA, High Scalability, Netbeans, Glassfish v2, later v3 (no xml :-)) Job in Hamburg?
2008-07-23 "No XML" - Dependency Injection (EJB 3) For Absolute Beginners, or Is Possible To Inject With Less Code / XML?
2008-07-17 Glassfish v2ur2: Potential Data Corruption in Mixed JPA / DAO Usage - and The Solution
2008-07-15 Sun Moves In Strange Ways - Or If I Were Sun
2008-07-13 Workshop in Zurich ...and San Jose: Designing The Boundary - Rich UI Meets Efficient Java EE Backend
2008-07-12 I Was Interviewed During JavaONE 2008 - The Video Is Available Now From
2008-07-11 First Week With Netbeans 6.5M1 - Some Smoke - But Interesting Directions
2008-07-09 VisualVM - and So Part of Netbeans, Is Part of JDK 1.6 Update 7 Now
2008-07-08 Oracle Fusion Middleware Strategy Is Very Interesting For ...Glassfish
2008-07-08 EJB 3 Persistence (JPA) For Absolute Beginners - Or Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) in 2 Minutes And Two (library) Jars
2008-07-06 Web 3.5 Arrival or Swing Apps Rocks With Java 6 Update 10 - an 3D, Flickr, WebStart App
2008-07-05 Java FX - Shapes, Binding, Animation Screencast By Josh Marinacci
2008-07-04 The Synergy Between Operations And Development, Or Why Glassfish Takes Off
2008-07-03 OSGI Was Supported By Sun Long Before J2EE...
2008-07-02 Netbeans 6.1 Editor - One Of My Favorite Shortcuts / "Hidden" Functionalities
2008-07-01 EJB 3 (@Session) For Absolute Beginners - 3 Minutes Bootstrap, 5 Steps
2008-06-30 GlassFish & MySQL Unlimited - I Miss One Feature
2008-06-29 Is EJB 3 The Solution For The "Multicore Crisis"? (@Stateless and @Stateful)
2008-06-29 You Don't Need To Think About Transactions If:
2008-06-28 A Beautiful Java Book - Something For Your Lunch Break
2008-06-26 Embedding Glassfish V3 in Unit Test - Two Jars, Three Lines Of Code And Five Seconds Start With Deployment
2008-06-25 To JSF Or Not To JSF ...This Is The Question - or Why vi is Not Enough
2008-06-24 The Java Pen, Executable Manual And Waiting For the Java SDK
2008-06-24 How Fast Is The Build And Deployment Of about 660 JPA Entities And 50 Session Beans On Glassfish v2 And Netbeans 6.1?
2008-06-23 How To Start With Mercurial in 3 Minutes - or How Big Is The Netbeans Source Repo?
2008-06-22 Would Someone Consider To Use SWT (or another native widget library) Again These Days For Portable Platforms / Applications?
2008-06-21 Glassfish Could Become The Killer Portal Server - Project WebSynergy
2008-06-19 JBoss 5.0 will come next several quarters
2008-06-19 Web 3.5 Arrival or Applets Rocks With Java 6 Update 10 - an 3D, AJAX, Applet Hybrid
2008-06-17 End Of The Green Bar Paradise? The Overestimation Of Unit Testing In Distributing Computing
2008-06-16 What Happens, If You Start With EJB 3.X, And They Will Not Make It?
2008-06-15 Heavyweight EJBs, Lightweight POJOs, Ultralightweight EJB 3.X, and the Demise of POJOs
2008-06-12 Why I Like EJB 3.0 And Really Like EJB 3.1, Or EJB 3 Killed The XML
2008-06-11 The Ultimate Interview Question For (not only) Java Developers
2008-06-10 How To Get Rid Of: cannot be cast to com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.DirectPacket in Glassfish V2.X
2008-06-09 The Last Tiny Thing To Do Before Applets Take Off Again
2008-06-08 Java 6 SE update 10 and the Great Java Cache Viewer - The Dream Team
2008-06-01 Java EE Architectures, Patterns and Hacking, ...or Code Driven Workshop in Munich
2008-05-30 Quality Assurance Driven Development - And The Resulting Damage...
2008-05-28 Sun xVM Virtual Box - the Killer Virtualization Tool? Second Smoke Test with Ubuntu
2008-05-27 It's Not Flash -It's An Video Streaming Applet - With Java SE 6u10 Effect
2008-05-26 Google Trends - Netbeans 6.1 More Popular Than Eclipse? What's about IntelliJ?- try it out...
2008-05-25 Netbeans 6.1 Support For Ant File Editing - One Thing What I Miss
2008-05-23 The Relation Between Java FX (Script) And Swing - Are You Still Concerned?
2008-05-21 Some Ultimate Projects
2008-05-20 JUG HH Rocks, Java EE 5 Hacking - Rethinking Best Practices, Discounts On Java ONE Top Selling Books and the PI mug
2008-05-18 Generic EJB 3 CRUD, DTOs and Lost Updates with Optimistic Locks and JPA
2008-05-17 What Is Blogging? (The Shortest And Most Precise Answer I Ever Heard)
2008-05-16 Free, Upcoming Java EE Event, with JavaONE update in Hamburg
2008-05-15 Glassfish v3 TP2 supports EJB 3.1 and is the RI for JPA 2.0 (with EclipseLink)
2008-05-15 My JavaONE Session (TS-4864) Is Classified as "hot" now...
2008-05-15 JavaONE 2008: ...and was it worth?
2008-05-14 Sun xVM Virtual Box - the Killer Virtualization Tool? The Smoke Test.
2008-05-13 JavaONE 2008: ...and final inter-continental hacking, or Alcatraz the ultimate hacker space
2008-05-12 Free JUG Session: Pragmatic Java EE 5 Hacking- Rethinking Best Practices - with code/deployment / demos and some few slides [with JavaONE update]
2008-05-11 JavaONE And ...The Most Used IDE In The Technical Sessions Was...
2008-05-10 What's Actually Interesting About JavaFX - From The Technical And Business Perspective
2008-05-10 Wednesday’s Top Selling Books at JavaOne
2008-05-09 JavaONE 2008 - Final General Session - and OpenGL on Cell Phones
2008-05-08 The Top Selling Books at JavaOne
2008-05-08 Which Programming Language J. Gosling would use now, except Java?
2008-05-08 New Java Plugin in Mozilla 3.0 and 90.000 lines of code were removed...
2008-05-07 How to get JavaFX SDK?
2008-05-07 Hell Freezes Over - Java 7 (JSR-277) Module System will support OSGi
2008-05-06 Neil Young at the JavaONEs Keynote - great sound, but wrong song :-)
2008-05-06 Glassfish v3, Modularity and the hidden, underestimated killer feature
2008-05-05 Coolest tweets during the CommunityONE General Session
2008-05-05 Glassfish Unconference ended ... with a party. HK2 is dead, OSGi is used
2008-04-29 Java FX Player - will it come at JavaONE?
2008-04-26 Java SE 6u10, RIAs, Java EE Hacks, Martin Odersky (Scala), Dalibor Topic (openJDK), Ted Neward (.net & Java) - JAX 08 afterglow
2008-04-24 Addtional Session - GreenFire BOF at JAX
2008-04-24 GreenFire 4th Prize at JAX Innovation Award and Audience Award - and the answer to a most FAQuestion
2008-04-22 Extending JavaONE activitities, 2 Lightning Talks, Unconference, Podcasts ...and maintainable RIAs
2008-04-21 GreenFire, Groovy, Shoal, iPhone integration and interview at JavaLobby
2008-04-20 The easiest way to explore Nimbus with 6u10beta (Java SE 6 update 10)
2008-04-19 - Nomination For JAX Innovation Award 2008
2008-04-17 Greenfire's This Year First Action and Next Steps
2008-04-16 Server Independent Thread Tracking Utility - useful for Deadlock Detection and Monitoring
2008-04-15 Fat Clients, Effcient Architectures - (re)feedback, or why cool stuff is not always a best practice
2008-04-14 Netbeans 6.1rc1 - nice, indirect support for Eclipse / Netbeans RCP DataBinding (for the model layer)
2008-04-13 Need For Speed with Netbeans 6.1rc1 and JDK 1.6 update 10
2008-04-12 Glassfish V2/V3 - the killer appserver for development and production - at Jazoon
2008-04-11 Underworld, Greenfire, Java EE 6, EJB 3.1 and RIAs ...going to JavaONE 2008
2008-04-08 CORBA/IIOP - the "new" link for RIAs? It should take off in the next years ...again.
2008-04-07 Incremental Deployment With Netbeans 6.1 on Vista and JDK Update N is back
2008-04-06 Running Netbeans 6.1 on jdk 1.6.0_u10 beta (Consumer "JDK")
2008-04-06 High Level thinking about the introduction of closures in Java
2008-04-05 Huge discussion about JavaDoc ...and no one cares about Fat Clients :-)
2008-04-04 Visual, but maintainable development of JSF with Model View Presenter, Databinding etc. - German article online (with lot of code)
2008-04-03 Better Programming With Java EE
2008-04-02 Will Netbeans 7.0 be based on JFace / SWT, because of beta field test and Netcat feedback?
2008-04-02 Netbeans on SWT/JFace (01.04) and the coolest reaction
2008-03-30 Eclipse vs. Netbeans, Emacs vs. Vi - and why not just beeing pragmatic?
2008-03-29 Upcoming Java EE 5 / 6 Training, Courses and Events in Germany
2008-03-27 How To Find / Print Out Netbeans 6.1 Key Bindings
2008-03-26 Why some of the Java EE / J2EE projects are inefficient ...or at least suboptimal
2008-03-25 Why sometimes a reference to an EntityManager inside JPA Entities is needed
2008-03-24 Delving into JSF Scaffolding with JPA on Netbeans 6.1
2008-03-22 Eclipse 3.3 or NetBeans 6.0 - with surprising result
2008-03-21 Netbeans 6.X Docs - also offline available/downloadable
2008-03-20 Free Article about Visual JSF Creation, EJB 3 and Maintenance ...with Netbeans and Glassfish as a sample
2008-03-18 Starting Components On Java EE 5 Appserver In a Portable Way
2008-03-16 EJB 3 and Memory Consumption Myths or Is it worth to use POJOs instead of EJB 3 in terms of memory?
2008-03-13 Using Netbeans v6.1 as a HTML Editor
2008-02-22 State Of The "Patterns For Java EE 5 Project"
2008-02-19 Speed Hacking with Java EE 5,Best Practices and Patterns
2008-02-18 Superb compilation of JVM parameters - from 1.3.1 to 1.6
2008-02-17 The X-Files (actually -Xmx files), reloaded.
2008-02-14 The Mystery of the Maximal -Xmx Settings, Ergonomics and Tuning
2008-02-10 Is it worth to use POJOs instead of EJB 3 in terms of performance? (with results, source and load scripts)
2008-02-09 JSF Matrix - most popular JSF/AJAX frameworks condensed
2008-02-08 Nice, but hidden, CRUD wizard in Netbeans 6.0
2008-02-06 EJB 3, JPA, JSF and Patterns - sample application online - already 75 registered users
2008-02-05 Eclipse's Resource Perspective and the Netbeans 6 answer
2008-02-04 Hacking Java EE 5 is good for the environment!
2008-02-03 ProSieben (German TV channel) is using Netbeans RCP
2008-02-02 What is the minimal footprint of a Netbeans RCP application?
2008-01-30 NB 6.1m1 and some smoke
2008-01-28 Free Pre-JavaONE and free access the JavaOne Pavilion and General Sessions on Tuesday, May 6
2008-01-26 Netbeans 6.0 and GWT
2008-01-25 Domain Driven Design, EJB 3, JPA, Glassfish v2, JSF (Model View Presenter), Data Binding, Java DB ...or sports for Java Hackers
2008-01-24 EJB 3, Fluent Interfaces, Glassfish v2 - and lightweight Java EE 5 - free event today in Munich
2008-01-23 Java EE 5, Glassfish v2, Groovy, Java FX and SunSPOTs - premiere GreenFire at the OOP 2008 conference
2008-01-20 Sun's deal with MySql is great, but few months too late (then it would be perfect)?
2008-01-20 (Re)Deployment Problems of EARs, EJBs with Netbeans 6.0 and Glassfish v2 solved - significant speedup in 6.1
2008-01-14 Upcoming Java EE 5 / SE 6 (some free) Events, Hackings and Workshops - and the premiere of GreenFire
2008-01-13 Fixing JConsole For Vista, or Vista for JConsole [Local Processes Are Not Listed]
2008-01-12 Is Java The New C++, Java FX Tooling, What's About Scripting, OSGI and Android - some Answers From James Gosling in a Vodcast
2008-01-11 Scripting Is Not Programming, Free Java Leather Jackets, Werewolves and Fast Vista Shutdown Feature in Second Life
2008-01-10 Free T-Shirts For The Best Questions Or Heretical Statements About Java EE 5 / Netbeans
2008-01-08 Free (German) Artikel about EJB 3.0/Java EE 5, Domain Driven Design and Services in JavaSpektrum
2008-01-07 Warner is going to release exclusively Blu Ray - and so Java
2008-01-06 Strange Error under JDK 1.6.0, Glassfish v2, JSF and Linux 64 and a simple solution
2008-01-05 Interesting, but hard to find, tutorials for JSF programming with Netbeans
2008-01-05 Searching And Finding Java in Blu Ray Player
2008-01-01 (Re)Deployment Problems of EARs with Netbeans 6.0 and Glassfish v2 ...and the solution
2007-12-31 100% pure Java, Co2 neutral :-) Fireworks for tonight
2007-12-31 In 2008, JavaFX-Script could take off
2007-12-30 Fluent Interfaces, Passive View, Java EE 5 and the TrainingDB - sample code
2007-12-29 Usable Extension for Visual Java Server Faces
2007-12-28 Java FX Plugin M3: it is worth to update!
2007-12-23 Thinking loud about Eclipse and Netbeans
2007-12-22 Swing App Framework, Data Binding, SwingX, Geocoding - nice screencasts about rapid Swing development
2007-12-20 Fluent Interface Pattern with EJB 3 and JPA - a working sample
2007-12-19 Glassfish (Java EE 5), RMI, Groovy, Java FX, Sun Spots contribute to C02 reduction - approval of project "greenfire"
2007-12-17 Interesting 6 minutes video/screencasts about Netbeans 6.0 Editor
2007-12-17 Free Java EE 5, Patterns and Architectures Event (JUGM/NUG) in Munich
2007-12-06 When C becomes too slow, the JVM has to be written in Java... project Maxwell
2007-12-05 Last Day at the Sun Tech Days Conference, Polyglot programming, jMaki, AJAX and corner.
2007-12-04 Day 1, Sun Tech Days, Java FX, Netbeans 6.0 and meeting with James Gosling
2007-12-03 Learning from Netbeans Evangelist about the coolest Netbeans plugin...
2007-12-03 Day 0 - Sun Tech Days in Frankfurt - first impression
2007-12-01 On the Road to Sun Tech Days (Frankfurt)
2007-11-29 Making JPA 2.0 better - thinking loud about refreshAll and clear(Entity)
2007-11-28 Mind widening books for Java SE 5 developers (Part 1)
2007-11-27 How to configure EJB 3.0 Session Beans using XML (sample)
2007-11-23 Java EE 5 Workshop/SOA/Architecture at Sun Tech Days, meeting with James Gosling
2007-11-20 Month or MonthOfYear? - participate in the naming of the New Date and Time (JSR-310)!
2007-11-17 Upcoming Java SE/EE events (some free)
2007-11-16 Netbeans RC 1 - no smoke, screencasts - and what I like and hate.
2007-11-14 The most asked question about Netbeans at W-JAX
2007-11-13 New Date And Time, Java FX, RIA, und Java EE 5 - W-JAX afterglow
2007-11-08 Why you (developer) will like Glassfish v2 - 10 1/2 reasons
2007-11-03 The "web 3.0" hybrid from last J1 is available online - with sources...
2007-11-01 Sun Tech Days in Frankfurt - the German JavaONE?
2007-11-01 How to JavaDoc (efficient and maintainable) - 6 steps
2007-10-28 Developer Collaboration with Netbeans 6
2007-10-27 JavaONE Call For Papers Online - ...and I found the feedback for my session as well
2007-10-26 Must have Netbeans 6.0 (b2) plugins
2007-10-23 Netbeans 6.0 Beta 2 - first Smoke Test
2007-10-22 Slow Netbeans 6 - and annoying cause
2007-10-21 The End of Commercial Java EE 5 Appservers?
2007-10-14 Starting Java SE on (almost) raw iron - the Java OS
2007-10-06 Eclipse vs. Netbeans or JFace (SWT) vs. Swing - the art test and experiment
2007-10-05 From zero to Java EE 5 app - in few minutes (on a fast machine :-))
2007-10-02 Nice Netbeans6.0 b1 SQL/DDL visualization feature
2007-10-01 Preventing Injection in JPA Query language - sample app and project
2007-09-30 How To Use Scripting with Java EE 5/EJB 3.0 - sample app
2007-09-29 Upgrading from Roller 2.4 to 4.0 and to Glassfish 2.0 FCS - some hints
2007-09-28 First Workshop with Netbeans 6beta 1 ...and where is the Problems View?
2007-09-26 Generic CRUD Components with Java EE 5
2007-09-22 Feedback for Java EE 5 Workshop in Zurich available - "Wild And Fast" :-)
2007-09-20 Netbeans 6.0b1 with Glassfish v2 FCS - and still no smoke
2007-09-19 Marker Annotation - for marking concepts, ideas and patterns
2007-09-18 Netbeans 6.0b1 on Vista - first smoke test
2007-09-17 Consumer JRE (with some synergies) could change the web again
2007-09-14 Over 70 Participants at CH-Open/JUGS - Great Event
2007-09-12 Integrate Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs and Dependency Finder in Netbeans, in 20 Minutes
2007-09-11 JPA Injection Shortcomings and Possible Workaround
2007-09-08 Java EE 5 Architekturen book is finally available, 21 Observers in p4j5
2007-09-07 Interesting Resources For Java SE/EE Developers
2007-09-06 Generic Data Transfer Object checked into p4j5
2007-08-31 Java EE 5 Architekturen, is printed and finally out
2007-08-28 Netbeans 6.0 Daily Build - new logo, new splash, is faster
2007-08-26 Java EE 5 Architekturen book - is available now
2007-08-24 Upcoming Java EE 5/Patterns/Enterprise Architecture talks and workshops - some fully booked
2007-08-23 Why you should follow the EJB 2 programming restrictions in EJB 3 environment
2007-08-22 Screencast of a really slick application ...based on Swing
2007-08-21 Are Plain Old WebContainers still appropriate in Java EE 5?
2007-08-20 Java EE 5 Challenges in Real World Projects Workshop
2007-08-19 Java EE 6, Multimedia, Clientside Java, Transparency, Openness and JCP Event in Munich
2007-08-17 Free Enterprise Architekturen Book - on the next JavaMagazin DVD
2007-08-16 Netbeans File Dialog Was Slow, Eclipse's 3.3 is fast but crashes...
2007-08-14 High Performance Glassfish
2007-08-13 Lightweight AOP with plain Java SE 1.3+, without additional libraries, frameworks and tools
2007-08-11 3D for Netbeans 6.0 - Developer Edition of OpenGl-Pack released
2007-08-10 p4j5: Source For The Paginator Java EE 5 Pattern Available
2007-08-08 Why blogging? ...a partial answer
2007-08-07 Netbeans is gaining momentum - especially in Java EE 5 space
2007-08-06 Upcoming Java EE 5/Patterns/Enterprise Architecture talks and workshops
2007-08-06 UML Reverse Engineering ... not so important in reald world project?
2007-08-02 Java EE 5 Architekturen book - has only to be printed
2007-07-31 Slow file dialog on windows, an official JDK bug
2007-07-30 Different Persistence Styles - and there is no single truth
2007-07-29 Slow file dialog in Netbeans (and other Java apps) ...and the amazing solution
2007-07-11 Are your objects anemic? It's time to get rich...
2007-07-10 Java EE 5 Architekturen book ready for review
2007-07-09 One Week, Bare Workstations, Heavyweight Beans or from Scratch to Java EE 5 Patterns
2007-07-08 oom killer terminated my appservers, hsqldb and javadb
2007-07-07 After one year Eclipse's abstinence, I had to close netbeans and use eclipse :-)
2007-07-05 Persistent Anemic Object was a best practice, now (EJB 3) it is almost an antipattern
2007-07-03 Operator Overloading Hack in Java, or o24j
2007-07-01 (T) vs. t.cast in p4j5, or the opensource effect
2007-06-28 - proposals were accepted, but I didn't knew that :-)
2007-06-27 Java EE 5 Service Locator and caching
2007-06-26 ServiceLocator, JNDI Naming Helper and Java EE 5
2007-06-25 J2EE 1.4 Patterns were workarounds...and Java EE 5 Patterns are opensourced now
2007-06-19 An Java EE 5 application based on patterns and best practices...
2007-06-18 Multiple entries of the same post at
2007-06-15 Old, but funny movie with Scott and sun ...and microsoft
2007-06-14 Sorry, but I like the idea of JCP and especially the JSRs
2007-06-13 Guice could become, as important, as JSF.
2007-06-08 It's not flash, it's an applet (or Applets are back II)
2007-06-07 Would be Glassfish v3 a better Darkstar?
2007-06-06 I wrote a chapter for a SOA book and forgot it...
2007-06-04 Mac for development? But not for a mobile developer - or how to run Mac OSX on thinkpad
2007-06-03 An outstanding sample and use case for ...applets
2007-06-01 In five years all application servers will be realtime capable...
2007-05-31 Java's Getters And Setters are evil, JavaFX Script's not always
2007-05-30 Amazing Visual Library Online Presentation
2007-05-29 The most important JavaONE announcement is actually an JDK 1.6 update - without a cool name...
2007-05-28 Java EE 5 Architekturen book is completed
2007-05-15 Amazing Bernd Oestereich's camera work
2007-05-13 Free Event: Talking about Java 6 and JavaONE News
2007-05-12 JavaONE...and sleeping is optional
2007-05-11 Update: My JavaONE session TS-3559 about JPA, EJB3 and RIAs is still full, but...
2007-05-11 Why there is no Extreme GUI SWT/JFace makeover?
2007-05-10 My JavaONE session TS-3559 about JPA, EJB3 and RIAs is full...but we can meet afterwards
2007-05-10 Swing Rocks - Xtreme GUI Makeover 2007 @ JavaONE
2007-05-09 JPA 2.0 update from JavaONE - important improvements
2007-05-09 Glassfish v3 - and the impact to RIAs and "Asynchronous Web"
2007-05-09 Noteworthy - GlassFish v2 from CommunityDay (Eduardo's session)
2007-05-09 JavaONE EJB 3.1 - even better than the real thing :-)
2007-05-08 Netbeans m9 is out - otherwise I would have some trouble in my JavaONE Session :-)
2007-05-08 Back to Web 2.0 (typing still needed): JMaki the "JavaScript Wrapper" and Phobos the serverside scripting
2007-05-07 When we will do not have to type - Web 3.0 will come
2007-05-06 Why planes and trains are good for (ultra) agile development
2007-05-03 Spring, JINI, objectoriented EJB3s, RIAs with Java 6 at JAX
2007-04-26 Matisse GUI Builder (Netbeans) won audience price at JAX 07
2007-04-22 Back from SEL in Herrsching, looking forward to JAX in Wiesbaden
2007-04-20 From zero to JSF, EJB 3, JPA and Patterns
2007-04-18 Software Engineering Live (SEL) - free Enterprise Architecture Talk near Munich
2007-04-10 Something real for virtual machine geeks is available - the "Java Difference"
2007-04-09 First week with Netbeans 6m8 and UML
2007-04-01 Free event: Talking about efficiency, Java EE 5 at JUGC
2007-03-31 Communication Breakdown - online (german) article
2007-03-16 A slick l&F for swing
2007-03-15 Thousand of pages specs, tons of usecases, Java EE 5 efficiency ...and JUG cologne
2007-03-14 A List of Interesting Swing Applications (...and Jake2 :-))
2007-03-07 Communication Breakdown article - missing reference
2007-03-06 Java EE 5 vs. J2EE 1.4 and some arguments for switching.
2007-03-03 Amazing comment about netbean's matisse
2007-03-01 JPA, EJB3, Faces, Matisse and ...mountainbikes
2007-02-20 OO, AOP, Closures and Java
2007-02-19 Local History and Netbeans 6
2007-02-14 Java EE 5 is even easier than Word
2007-02-04 If you like to build easy to install JPA-applications - start with TopLink essentials
2007-01-31 OR-Mappers and existing databases, or Active Records vs. JPA
2007-01-30 How expensive is SOAP?
2007-01-29 I missed some features in Netbeans 5.5 - but no more in Netbeans 6m6
2007-01-28 Screensavers with Java SE and SaverBeans
2007-01-26 Simple thing what I miss in netbeans 5.5 editor
2007-01-25 Death march, EJB3 and the OOP conference
2007-01-23 Netbeans 5.5/6.0 performance boost
2007-01-19 Java Desktop, 3D, WebStart - and forget Web 2.0 :-)
2007-01-17 Glassfish v2 and Netbeans
2007-01-16 OpenSource Java with WebStart Idea - new opportunity for Java on the desktop?
2007-01-11 JBoss 4.0.X GA Java 6 SE and JConsole connect problem
2007-01-08 Tiny,but nice NetBeans feature
2006-12-31 Drawing UML diagrams in ...netbeans 5.5
2006-12-28 How to reduce the Jar-File size with Java5 and 6
2006-12-22 New Hardware For Serverside Java
2006-12-20 JBoss vs. Glassfish - and the quality of testing
2006-12-19 Java EE Fallacies feedback: Is transactional context not necessary for "traditional" JDBC access?
2006-12-14 Fallacy 10: ...and JavaEE will die. :-)
2006-12-12 EJB 3 Portability Issue: why JNDI names are not standardized?
2006-12-04 ...but a perfect developer needs:
2006-12-03 Project Darkstar, the highperformance Java Gaming Server Platform
2006-12-02 Black Box Video I
2006-12-01 I met duke first time in San Francisco, then in Singapore
2006-11-29 A perfect developer should:
2006-11-26 JAX-Asia Preglow
2006-11-23 Funny ad about servers, chickens barbecue and Sun
2006-11-21 Lightweight RMI Communication with plain Java SE (Source Sample), without generated stubs or additonal frameworks
2006-11-16 Property Based Access in JPA - is an Emerging Antipattern
2006-11-14 EJB 3, JPA and Netbeans 5.5 vs. Dali - first impression
2006-11-12 Netbeans 5.5 with Visual WebPack and Glassfish v2 - first impression
2006-11-11 SOA,Enterprise Architectures, Java EE 5 Patterns, Patterns For Asynchronous Applications and Interview with Mark Hapner
2006-11-08 Top Ten Reasons to choose Java over um, C#? But I'm missing some arguments...
2006-11-06 Field- vs. Property-Based access in JPA
2006-11-04 Feedback for /ch/open architecture workshop is available online
2006-11-03 Abstract factory or just a factory in Java
2006-11-01 Is Interface a "pattern" - or what is actually the intension of using interfaces
2006-10-30 Most Important Patterns (Top 6)
2006-10-26 Exception chaining is evil (because of hidden dependencies) - the solution is:
2006-10-25 J2EE patterns were workarounds - but are still needed in Java EE 5 (Part 1: Business Delegate)
2006-10-23 Fallacy 9: It is sufficient to ensure the functionality of a distributed application with unit- and integration-tests.
2006-10-21 A blackbox, perhaps full with Java
2006-10-19 Some interesting patterns for design and implementation (TOP 5)
2006-10-18 Non Java Programmers, are often the best Java EE developers (Sad But True) :-)
2006-10-13 Who knows a good IT-Manager, or A Good Manager Is Able To Manage Everything
2006-10-12 Excel Driven Architecture and Design with Java EE (EDAD) - beyond MDA :-)
2006-10-11 Fallacy 8: It is very easy to implement everything you want in a web container
2006-10-09 BPEL-J, SOA, EoD and maintenance - (as maintainable, as JSPs)
2006-10-08 Fat AJAX is great, Thin is little
2006-10-07 Sometimes (Java) Fat Clients are great, but you are not allowed to use it (W3HI)
2006-10-04 Fat AJAX Applications vs. Smart Native Clients. or the wrong direction of the hype.
2006-10-03 First Chapter, ToC and Index of "Enterprise Architekturen" are available for download
2006-10-02 Different AJAX Philosophies and Architecture Styles or Thin vs. Fat AJAX
2006-10-01 Fallacy 7: Development over Monitoring, management and profiling
2006-09-27 Real Time deployment monitoring with glassfish
2006-09-26 The beginning of WEB 3.0 with Java Fat Clients
2006-09-25 Guide to maintainable (Java) software
2006-09-24 The Day After AJAX
2006-09-23 Java EE 5 Architecture Workshop near Zurich (Rapperswil)
2006-09-22 Loving SWT? - conclusion
2006-09-20 A plugin solves the "persistency problem" in RoR ...partially.
2006-09-19 The Book "Enterprise Architekturen" is available now
2006-09-18 IoC and Convention Over Configuration/DRY - the real power of Java EE 5
2006-09-17 Software Development Phases and Music
2006-09-16 Mozilla Firefox 1.5.0 is the most used browser - at least on my blog
2006-09-14 Conference schedule for the next two months
2006-09-13 Who loves the SWT programming model?
2006-09-12 You Have Only To Wait about 5-10 years to reach the next hype
2006-09-11 RoR persistency vs. JPA (Java SE/EE5) - or what is easier?
2006-09-10 The VooDoo consulting style
2006-09-08 The cure for RoR Active Record and transactions
2006-09-07 Funny reaction in RoR space to comment about transactions
2006-09-06 Java EE 5 applications more portable?
2006-09-06 The book "Enterprise Architekturen" is shipping now.
2006-09-05 Glassfish could become the killer appserver for Java EE 5, second impression
2006-09-05 The performance of stateful session bean was always great...
2006-09-03 Convention over Configuration In The Persistence Layer Helps Only Green Field Projects
2006-09-03 How to find memory leaks - only using Java SE 6
2006-08-31 How to remotely debug java applications - almost without additional tools
2006-08-30 Fallacy 5: JMS, JCA, JTA, JNDI, XA are too complex, too heavy and aren't needed at all.
2006-08-29 Glassfish and JPA/SQL monitoring - without additional tools or frameworks
2006-08-28 How to monitor java apps without additional tools or frameworks
2006-08-27 You shouldn't compare Rails to Java EE 5, or JavaScript/Ruby to the Java language...
2006-08-26 Netbeans 6.0m2 - first impression
2006-08-25 The matisse problem in GUI development...
2006-08-24 The "Enterprise Architekturen" book should be available in 2 weeks
2006-08-24 WEB 2.0 and Java Architectures
2006-08-23 Why I like Java and do not hate other languages...
2006-08-22 CIT: The Sudden Death of Java EE and Ruby On Rails?
2006-08-20 The glassfish/netbeans difference
2006-08-18 Is firefox 1.5 the number 1?
2006-08-17 Java EE 5 Fallacy 4: Lean POJOs and transparent persistency are easier to understand for a beginner, than heavyweight EJBs.
2006-08-16 Some useful tools for the (ancient) J2EE.
2006-08-16 Summary: Public getters and setters should be considered as an antipattern.
2006-08-15 Glassfish echoes.
2006-08-13 What are the first four bytes of the .class file?
2006-08-12 Do we really need opensource Java?
2006-08-11 Unchecked Exceptions are o.k, checked exceptions for services often better...
2006-08-10 JavaDoc: Dry for comments, or do not comment every method...
2006-08-09 Glassfish could become the killer appserver for Java EE 5...
2006-08-08 Getters and setters: an antipattern. JavaBeans and OO
2006-08-07 Java (EE) Fallacy 3:We have only to consider ther development phase. The maintenance and production are not important.
2006-08-05 Why Java is no more exciting...
2006-08-04 Fallacy 2.5: Concurrency, Persistence, Transactions and Java EE
2006-08-04 Netbeans 6.0m1 and Glassfish - what's useful
2006-08-03 Fallacy 2: EJBs are too complex, POJOs are easier.
2006-08-02 Technology Over Process and How Agile Is Agile?
2006-08-02 OutOfMemory in Eclipse 3.2 not a problem, but also not a feature
2006-08-01 Memory Leaks Problem in Callisto Eclipse 3.2?
2006-08-01 Fallacy 1: J2EE/Java EE 5 consists only of EJBs.
2006-07-31 When offshore works - a positive sample (Part 3)
2006-07-30 JEE5 or Java EE 5?
2006-07-30 Common J2EE/Java EE Fallacies
2006-07-30 SOA vs. Java EE (Part 1)
2006-07-28 Component Based Development with J2EE (1.3), WLS and code generation
2006-07-28 Ruby On Rails and Transactions?
2006-07-24 Netbeans 6.0m1 and what can be improved (Part 1)
2006-07-24 Why it is wrong for a developer, to know more than required? (RE: A new breed: Framework Java Coder?)
2006-07-22 Too many XXX 2.0 acronyms
2006-07-21 W-JAX proposals and JAX afterglow (warning: JAX and W-JAX are not AJAX, but only a conference :-))
2006-07-21 How expensive is offshore? Some things are better done than described....
2006-07-20 Over eclipsed? (Some reasons to switch back: Part Two)
2006-07-20 JavaScript: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language (AJAX vs. JavaScript Part 2)
2006-07-19 JavaScript was an antipattern, AJAX is a best practice...
2006-07-19 JEE5 and Netbeans
2006-07-19 Expertenforum in Stuttgart, 07.07
2006-07-18 How expensive is offshore? (part 1)
2006-07-16 CBD and JSR 175
2006-07-14 jbpm article
2006-07-14 Enterprise Architekturen - background
2006-07-12 Over eclipsed?
2006-07-11 Why blogging?
2006-07-10 Nothing is transparent...